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Old 07-02-2020, 10:05 AM   #1
Hero of Democracy
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Default DreadStormers [IC]

Our story begins in orbit above the Port World of Bijoka, a mostly unsettled Zorbani world known for smooth black barren volcanic coasts, its floating aquafarms, its Great Domed City, and its infamous research program HITDDAR, which attempts to unlock the secrets of the human brain via experimentation on imported prisoners.

Randall Valford and Daymar ("Day") Konic, Two Dreadstormers, have been secretly enrolled as part of the crew of the Nightfall, a large dreadnaught preparing to participate in action against the Nation of Jakorbi. While Jakorbi shares many cultural and historical features with the other Zorbani nations, they are allied with the Quinta Republica, have a mostly functioning democracy, and condemn projects like HITDDAR. The also oppose the encroachments of the Malu empire. Valford and Konic have been tasked with Seizing control of the Nightfall, turning her considerable firepower against the Zorbani pact.

In order to fool screeners looking for Dreadstormers, Valford and Konic took psi-suppressants before boarding the Nightfall. Once on board, the ship's food will contain the suppressants as well.

Valford and Konic are familiar with each other, and will be keeping a sharp eye out for each other. They know what sections the other usually uses as their cover, but the specifics are not shared for reasons of operational security. They were given a secret meeting place and time, should they need it: Tuesday, Floor 5, starboard compartment second from the bow, at 01:06, 09:42, or 17:56 (5:56 pm).

Valford has a position as a reactor engineer. Konic is part of the hyperspace team, specializing in external maintenance. In three days from now, on sunday, the ship will launch on what is presumed to be a combat mission. The route and specifics have been intentionally kept a secret for security reasons.

Buddies have been assigned. Konic is assigned to work with another EVA hyperspace engineer, Private Korchathaw Pothazeezor. He's from Corgacor, a wild world famous for its militant attitude and vicious wildlife. His name is long even for Jakorbi, and he mostly goes by "Pothi". He's an exceptionally friendly guy, especially interested in discussing Movies, Shows, and other popular entertainment.

Valford's partner is Vorno Chonuzi. Chonuzi works on reactors, specializing in coolant. He is from Beekornor, which is a highly colonized mostly aquatic world that supplies precursor chemicals to psi-drugs, though Vorno doesn't know much about that. He's very ambitious, has been around the ship a while, and seems to be angling for a promotion soon.
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Old 07-04-2020, 04:52 PM   #2
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Daymar is eager to make a good impression on his "buddy", since having Pothi's trust will make things a lot easier. Upon meeting him, he introduces himself, and reaches out to shake his hand, "Daymar Konic, you can call me Day. Have you served on the Nightfall before?"

If the answer is 'yes', "Maybe you can show me around? I've studied the layout, but there's nothing like seeing it in person." If the answer is 'no' "Well, if there's nothing pressing, maybe we can explore a bit together. I've studied the layout, but there's nothing like seeing it in person."
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 07-06-2020, 08:39 AM   #3
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Pothi: "I just transfered over from the Starfury, but I served aboard Nightfall three years ago. I'm not sure what changes have been made to her since I left. Are you talking about going over the inside or the outside?"

Pothi takes up the conversation, and reciprocates "Where have you served before?"
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Old 07-06-2020, 05:15 PM   #4
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Randall Valford obviously wants to try and get in Chonuzi's good graces, as if he is gunning for a better position, and there is any way he can help, it might get him a leg up on being informed about events that may be coming.

Valford approaches Vorno when he sees an opportunity to speak with him. Extending his hand , he maintains direct eye contact as he speaks:

"Sir. You must be Vorono Chonuzi. The name is Randall Valford, but you can call me Val. Everyone else does. I've been assigned as an engineer, and seeing as I have heard you have been around here for a bit, I was hoping you might be able to show me around a little so I don't step on any toes."

If Vorno doesn't take his hand in a timely manner, he doesn't leave it hanging there and instead folds his hands behind him in an 'at-ease' position.
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Old 07-06-2020, 09:24 PM   #5
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Vorno looks Valford up and down. "What reactors have you worked on before?"

He asks a few technical questions, mostly based around the specifics of warship reactors, which have some quirks due to how close together they are packed.

Valford is much better with reactors than you would expect of someone in his position (14 rather than 12), but he's also a dreadstormer rather than a conscripted reactor technician. How much will Valford let on about his ability?
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Old 07-06-2020, 10:32 PM   #6
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Not wanting to allude to his somewhat superior knowledge, he admits that the Nightfall's reactors are larger than anything he has worked on so far. Thinking of a type of ship the Zorbani Military would have in their fleet that would be a step down in size (possibly a destroyer class vessel) he notes that he was selected for this position because of his familiarity in the type of reactor, and knew his way around them well enough for someone in a higher position to suggest him for this station. Ending his description with:

"...when I heard about the post, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I mean, to work on a ship like this for an engineer like myself is a wet dream. I am honored to have been selected for this position, and look forward to proving to you how much of an asset I can be. For the ship, and the Zorbani Military as a whole. I can't wait. I have heard a little about her, but nothing will beat seeing the Nightfall's reactor with my own two eyes!"

He can't keep the smile off his face and acts genuinely enthusiastic about it, like a kid who plays baseball getting a new big-boy bat, or like a huge fan getting to meet his favorite actress.
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Old 07-07-2020, 10:37 AM   #7
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

I need an acting roll from Valford. Saviore-Faire would also help.

Vorno:"I suppose you've heard about this before, but on dreadnaughts its not uncommon for friendly rivalries to form between different reactor teams. We have the fore upper starboard reactor. We have a rivalry with fore lower port reactor. We need to make sure we handle our reactor better, especially in tight situations."

Vorno goes over in detail. the specific quirks of HIS reactor, the Fore upper starboard reactor. He also goes over the boiler systems, and over the general layout of the reactors: There are four of each. the upper reactors are on decks 4-6, with their heat exchanges below them, while the lower reactors are on their sides on decks 10-15, with the heat exchanges to the inside of the ship.

Vorno stops periodically to make sure Valford understands one aspect of the job or the other.
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Old 07-07-2020, 02:37 PM   #8
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

[2] 20-07-07 20:59:47 CEST - Valford-Acting

Roll for Acting Check Dreadstormers IC #7

3d6 <= 14
1 + 3 + 5 = 9 ... success
Valford nods and smirks when Vorno mentions the rivalry. As Vorno goes over the quirks of HIS (Fore/Upper/Starboard) reactor, Valford Pays attention and even pulls out pad to jot down notes if Vorno seems to be paying particular mind to a certain aspect of its operation. He asks questions occasionally along in the lecture to give the impression of his desire for knowledge as well as let him know that he is a team player and wants his team to preform well.

Val also wants to know who he will be working with and so asks for an introduction should they meet with anyone on his team. Also keeping an eye out for anyone that might be on the opposing reactor, even though he doubts he will see any of them since they work in separate areas. Keeping that in mind for when they might cross paths in the mess.
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Old 07-07-2020, 05:25 PM   #9
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Pothi: "I just transfered over from the Starfury, but I served aboard Nightfall three years ago. I'm not sure what changes have been made to her since I left. Are you talking about going over the inside or the outside?"

Pothi takes up the conversation, and reciprocates "Where have you served before?"
Day replies, "We're just getting underway, so I don't think an unscheduled spacewalk would be a good idea now, tempting as it might be. A tour of the interior will do for now. I started my career working on merchant ships, before I joined up. My last posting was on a corvette-class ship, the Banshee, much smaller than this. It's a real privilege serving on a ship as magnificent as the Nightfall."
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 07-08-2020, 01:08 PM   #10
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Day replies, "We're just getting underway, so I don't think an unscheduled spacewalk would be a good idea now, tempting as it might be. A tour of the interior will do for now. I started my career working on merchant ships, before I joined up. My last posting was on a corvette-class ship, the Banshee, much smaller than this. It's a real privilege serving on a ship as magnificent as the Nightfall."
Pothi: There's no better time than the pre-launch inspection to see the ship, but I'll happily show you around the interesting parts of the ship. I've got a few things I need to check if they changed.

Pothi travels around, showing Day the creature comforts and checking on the secrets of the ship. They visit the morale section on deck 12 between the reactors and engine, seeing which quartermasters are left from when Pothi was aboard the ship. The places take a little extra money, but are fairly generous all things considered.

They visit the shield maintance quarters on deck 3 and try to figure out who will be on ship with them: most of the EVA crew is assigned to shields, not the hyperdrive. Pothi is careful to get invited to share meals with "friendly" mess.

Pothi mentions the tip of deck 18, which has "Sanity Ports" --- the only windows to outside of the ship. Right now there isn't much to see, as they are in port. Besides, the two are EVA crew. They will eventually find a inadequately locked plasma emmiter*. Pothi checks a couple he knew of during his service, but they have all been fixed, which is pretty expected.

Pothi walks through deck 19 looking for places people will eventually set up shop for non-official actives (ranging from innocent but un-sponsored to the mildly illegal). Nothing is here yet, as the ship is being filled to the gills with hydrogen bricks, but eventually this will be one of the most active places on the ship.

They get a good look at the small point defense lasers scattered around the ship, as well as one of the three massive main weapons in the fore part of the ship. Gravity is weird in these emplacements, but both of you are fine with that. The forward weapons have massive mirrors. Day has seen these systems before, of course, but there is always something awe-inspiring about a 24 meter focal mirror.

They are always welcome at the great rotating hyperdrive and its capacitors: that's part of their responsibilities. Its a fairly new hyperdrive design, as these things go: designed in the Malu empire 50 years ago. Day isn't terribly familiar with what makes it special, though he's aware of some operational quirks. Finding out the manufacturing secrets is some else's job, and at this point, the Malu have another drive in service, at least for imperial craft rather than the stuff versatile nations buy. Right now the drive is being slowly spun as part of a maintenance test.

Are there any places Day will prompt Pothi to show him?

* plasma emmiters are the metallic brown boxes with "scoops" pointing outwards.
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