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Old 09-13-2015, 04:05 PM   #1
Hero of Democracy
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: far from the ocean
Default Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

Yolanda Washington had a strange dream that night. She dreamed of a strange, prehistoric forest, with filled with ferns. She dreamed of people in the forest, creeping through the bush, armed with bows and arrows. The people where simple tunics, and their skin is dark -- not dark like hers, but a strange grey color, like that of a pencil. Their hair is black and strait.

She dreamed of an outpost of some sort, with men walking around it, in drab military camo. They are armed with a wide variety of guns, and many of them have visors. There is a discussion, and they pile into a vehicle -- a heavily armed, multi-terrain vehicle that isn't really a tank.

She dreams of flashes of light. Some of them are followed by the smoke and debris of explosions. Others are simply brilliant flashes of light. Among the noise and the smoke, she sees a group of people wearing camo that looks less military than what she saw before. While the first group was without exception Caucasian, this group is more mixed-- but Asians seem to be the most common. They are launching weapons, but one of them is much more effective than the others. Most of the group is responding with laser fire.

One of them is sitting in a vehicle of sorts. The vehicle is floating about the ground, and the woman is sitting just inside. The whole thing seems to just bounce bullets and shrapnel. Then a lone laser beam catches the woman. Yolanda doesn't see the exact injury, but the vehicle crashes to the ground. The members of the team react in horror, scattering to the four corners of the wind.

Yolanda wakes up to the rain. Not the sound of rain, but rain on her face. The sun is just coming up, and she's on the cold, muddy, ground. And she has no clothes. A groaning sound comes from nearby.
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lost in dreams

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