10-27-2014, 08:37 AM | #1 |
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Indiana, United States
Regeneration requiring meditation
I'm working on a magic system for my fantasy setting mostly using GURPS spell system, however instead of using a spell to recover lost energy I wanted to use Regeneration with Energy Reserve Only and it requiring the mage to enter into a state of meditation using the mediation skill. How would I go about stating up the cost of requiring being in a meditative state? And what limitations should I take overall?
10-27-2014, 08:59 AM | #2 |
Join Date: May 2009
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
Have you thought about using the mechanics from breath control?
Or you could change the flavour of the recover energy spell. I don't like that but it's an idea. Regeneration with requires skill roll is probably too expensive to be combined with the normal magic system.
Maxwell Kensington "Snotkins" Von Smacksalot III |
10-27-2014, 09:26 AM | #3 |
Dog of Lysdexics
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Melbourne FL, Formerly Wellington NZ
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
First Start with ER(Special Recharge) -70% if you can store that gathered or -80% if is started to drain away as soon as you stop concentrating.
Regeneration (Very Fast) used as a base to 1/sec regeneration so I can justify talent/sec as +0%, Though you might let Fast become talent/min so a Base cost of 100 Regeneration (talent/sec, ER only) (Granted by Familiar, -40%; Magical, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%; Requires (Skill/meditation) Roll, -5%) [30] Regeneration (talent/min, ER only) (Granted by Familiar, -40%; Magical, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%; Requires (Skill/meditation) Roll, -5%) [15] Regeneration (talent/hr, ER only) (Granted by Familiar, -40%; Magical, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%; Requires (Skill/meditation) Roll, -5%) [8] Regeneration (talent/12 hr, ER only) (Granted by Familiar, -40%; Magical, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%; Requires (Skill/meditation) Roll, -5%) [3] a mediation roll to maintain the concentration over those periods. My setting typical use the Familiar bonds as a 'net' which they use to enhance there access to mana. [if the familiar isn't present then the net is too thin] An alternative is to replace the Granted by Familiar limitation with Gadget limitations, and you then have a Wizard's staff such as: Regeneration (talent/sec, ER only) (Breakable [DR2], -20%; SM-3, -15%; Can Be Stolen [DX roll, does not work for thief], -15%; Magical, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%; Requires (Skill/meditation) Roll, -5%) [20] Last edited by roguebfl; 10-27-2014 at 01:05 PM. |
10-27-2014, 12:45 PM | #4 |
Join Date: Jun 2013
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
Roguebfl's idea of Talent/Time regeneration may be on the right track. One thing you'll want to consider is precisely what requiring meditation means. If it requires you to simply make a Meditation check every so often, that's Requires Will Roll, with Will floated over to Meditation, at -5%. If it requires you to maintain concentration - with subsequent Concentration maneuvers - that's Requires Concentrate at -15%. If it prevents you from defending yourself while concentrating, that's All Out at -25% (arguably, this should allow you to move around at half move and maybe get a +4 to your Meditation check, if needed; getting rid of these ability is arguably enough to bump it to -30% or -35%). If you must sit while doing it, that's arguably Temporary Disadvantage (Lame: Paraplegic)* at -30%. If you must close your eyes while doing it, that's Temporary Disadvantage (Blindness) at -50%. Mix and match as you see fit, but note that Requires Concentrate and All Out are incompatible.
*EDIT: A quick look through Bio-Tech indicates No Legs: Sessile is actually more common, at -50%. Last edited by Varyon; 10-27-2014 at 12:58 PM. |
10-27-2014, 01:53 PM | #5 |
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Indiana, United States
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
Interesting. I lack bio-tech the book though. : /
Generally the idea i had in my head was it requires a meditation check to start (but not to maintain). It requires full on sitting down, focused meditation (maybe eyes closed), and in short can't be done in the middle of something like combat. |
10-27-2014, 03:54 PM | #6 | |
Join Date: Jun 2013
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
No need for it - Temporary Disadvantage (as well as both Lame and No Legs) are from the Basic Set. The comment was simply to note that TD (Legless: Sessile) -50% is canonically valid as a "you lose the ability to move around" Limitation.
My suggestion would be to have the basic version be something like Fast Regeneration (ER Only +0%, Requires Initial Meditation Roll +0%, Temporary Disadvantage: Blindness and Sessile -100%) [10]. This can be "leveled up" in a variety of ways. The obvious one is to boost it to Very Fast, which will drop the Temporary Disadvantages to -80% (you can't get more points back for Temporary Disadvantage than 80% of what the trait would be worth on its own), for [20]. You could then boost that to Extreme, regenerating 10 ER every second, for [70]. Another option is to let characters buy off at least the Blindness, changing the above costs to [25], [60], and [110]. You could also allow characters to buy ER Recovery instead of ER Only, at +100%, for [50], [120], and [220], to let them get HP back at the same time. |
10-28-2014, 08:02 AM | #7 |
Join Date: Nov 2013
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
Hmmm...if EVERY mage in the setting needs to meditate to recover...isn't it just a setting feature, costing not points?
By what the OP said there's no other way to replenish energy, so everyone would abide by these laws. If that's the case, you simply define how it works and there's no need to stat it, isn't it? Also, even if that's not the case, I believe you people are forgetting the fact that by the base system a mage already has the ability to regenerate his ER, so this form is a worse form of Regen and thus should be a disad not cost anything to the caster, as all the builds were done so far. To me, if you want to stat this, you should first define what a "normal" regen rate would be, for example, 1 ER every 2min (what could be achieved with the Energy Recover Spell), calculate what that translate into points if your using, for example, Spell-as-Powers approach and THEN limit that to requires Meditation and everything else you want it to work. Last edited by T.K.; 10-28-2014 at 08:09 AM. |
10-28-2014, 08:18 AM | #8 | ||
Dog of Lysdexics
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Melbourne FL, Formerly Wellington NZ
Re: Regeneration requiring meditation
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fatigue, magic spells, meditation, regeneration |
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