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Old 08-27-2009, 06:43 PM   #171
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Default Re: Powerstones

As for the effects of skill level, I see one of two options. Only the most recent counts, or average the current power level with the new enchantment.

Anything else requires too much calculations.
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:00 PM   #172
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
As for the effects of skill level, I see one of two options. Only the most recent counts, or average the current power level with the new enchantment.

Anything else requires too much calculations.
Possible solution:

An enchanter may not "increase" a leveled enchantment unless their skill is equal or better than that of the other leveled enchantment. Upon completing the enchantment, the overall power becomes equal to that of the better mage.

Thus, with a pussiance enchantment - adding a +1 to the already existing +1 enchantment, currently at power 16, requires a mage whose skill in Enchantment and Pussiance is at 16 or better. A mage with a skill in enchantment at 15, and pussiance at 15, is not able to improve upon that particular enchantment.

With Powerstones, if it enchantment is up to power 18, no further enchantments can be added (ie Powerstone enchantments) until the mage in question has a skill of at least 18 or better.

The problem with this solution is - that with Powerstones, adding 2d6 to the power level of the powerstone with a crit success, makes it unlikely that any further enchantments can be added to that particular stone. Some GM's might see that as a feature rather than a bug, but overall, it presents a "bug" like aspect :(

The problem with "only the most recent counts" is, that a mage with a skill of 20 in Powerstone can add a level to the enchantment, but a subsequent mage with a skill of 15, will drag the power of the powerstone down to a 15 regardless of what it was prior to his attempting to enhance the enchantment.

I think I will spin off a thread based on this one, titled "QUIRKED POWERSTONE CREATION" and examine a few really interesting things about the rules...
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:06 PM   #173
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by hal View Post
The problem with "only the most recent counts" is, that a mage with a skill of 20 in Powerstone can add a level to the enchantment, but a subsequent mage with a skill of 15, will drag the power of the powerstone down to a 15 regardless of what it was prior to his attempting to enhance the enchantment.
Why is that a problem?
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:31 PM   #174
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
Why is that a problem?
That suddenly stops the item from working in a low mana area. That could be a real hassle in some campaign worlds.
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:32 PM   #175
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
Why is that a problem?
Because any lesser skilled mage who works on any more expertly completed magical item, automatically becomes relatively ruined. In this sense, I'm saying that a powerstone that would have worked in a low mana region, now suddenly can't work in a low mana region because the lesser mage fiddled with the enchantment.

Now, strictly on a theoretical basis (ie the Thaumatology level of understanding of how magic works), it would have its own inherent logic. If you take a Rembrant painting, and then add onto it some "modifications" by a pre-schooler child, chances are good, the painting will be considered "ruined" by fanciers of Rembrant paintings ;)

So - I'm not saying your approach is wrong, or right. Just pointing out the ramifications of any given approach.
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:33 PM   #176
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
That suddenly stops the item from working in a low mana area. That could be a real hassle in some campaign worlds.
So don't enchant it with another point if you don't have enchant at 20 and you want it to work in a low-mana environment. Seems like a good way to limit high- capacity and power powerstones, to me.
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:35 PM   #177
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by hal View Post
Because any lesser skilled mage who works on any more expertly completed magical item, automatically becomes relatively ruined.
And this is a problem because? Meddling with something created by someone better than you is frequently not good for the thing you meddle with. If you don't want this as a cheap way to ruin magic items (though a hammer works just as well), just make it so a higher skill enchantment resists attempts to enchant it at a lower skill.
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:37 PM   #178
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by hal View Post
Because any lesser skilled mage who works on any more expertly completed magical item, automatically becomes relatively ruined. In this sense, I'm saying that a powerstone that would have worked in a low mana region, now suddenly can't work in a low mana region because the lesser mage fiddled with the enchantment.
Right. To me, that both makes sense and is desirable. You want something to work in a low mana environment, then it requires a highly skilled enchanter during the entire creation process. If someone less skilled comes along and modifiers it, it's gonna be less effective even if "raw power" wise it's better.

And like I said, you could average the power of the new and current power levels, so that the drop was cut in half, which makes it risky and a bad idea but something you might do in a pinch.
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Old 08-28-2009, 06:45 AM   #179
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by hal View Post
I did a search on Remove Quirk Powerstone with the user KROMM and found zero hits on the topic. Could you refer to the location or thread where Kromm makes that point?

Thanks :)
Well I did not see the words of Kromm myself...however post #149 in this thread Fred B. said that Kromm had ruled it that way.

I have found Fred to be reliable ergo...

I am not sure if he can help you track it down...if he does I would be interested in knowing the location of the original my own self.
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Old 08-28-2009, 07:21 AM   #180
Fred Brackin
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Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by Witchking View Post
Well I did not see the words of Kromm myself...however post #149 in this thread Fred B. said that Kromm had ruled it that way.

I have found Fred to be reliable ergo...

I am not sure if he can help you track it down...if he does I would be interested in knowing the location of the original my own self.
I was suspicious that it might have been the Thaumatology playtest but using Google to search my Gmail of that didn't turn it up.

Anyway, M.A Lloyds detailed reading oif Remove Enchantment makes the possibility almost totally moot. You could take an individual Powerstone enchant off if it was one of the very first but at -3 per it rapidly becomes unfeasable.
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