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Old 10-31-2014, 11:12 PM   #191
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by warellis View Post
Will we see more writeups for the colonies similar to New Fujian in length and depth?
Eventually. My plan is gradually to build up a collection of such descriptions including every colony in Central Sector and every colony in Pisces Austrinus Sector.

There will be a preliminary stage in which the descriptions look something like this: Simanta.

That will take some time, however.

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Last edited by Agemegos; 10-31-2014 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 11-01-2014, 12:41 AM   #192
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Considering the weight issues Imperial Marines have to deal with, and how the setting has some superscience tech, are there man-portable high-powered laser rifles they typically use? I'd assume such a weapon would be less weighty compared to a railgun or gauss weapon.

Last edited by warellis; 11-01-2014 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 11-01-2014, 01:52 AM   #193
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by jeff_wilson View Post
What's wrong with with just marines? They're still primarily infantry that goes by ship, right?
Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
I like "Imperial Marine Commandos".
I agree with sir_pudding. Imperial Marine Commandos is descriptive and more Commonwealth than Yank, which is a good thing in sci-fi, given how much of it sounds American.

Not that it's not plausible enough for a majority of sci-fi, but variety is good and Brett is going to sound more British than the Brits whether he wants to or not and it's best to capitalise on it rather than try to fight it.
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Old 11-01-2014, 02:24 AM   #194
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by warellis View Post
Considering the weight issues Imperial Marines have to deal with, and how the setting has some superscience tech, are there man-portable high-powered laser rifles they typically use? I'd assume such a weapon would be less weighty compared to a railgun or gauss weapon.
Their high-powered weapons walk around on robotic gun-carriages. Marines carry small-arms only for close-quarters work.

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Old 11-01-2014, 03:08 AM   #195
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by Agemegos View Post
Their high-powered weapons walk around on robotic gun-carriages. Marines carry small-arms only for close-quarters work.
Do they have any energy weapon small arms?
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Old 11-01-2014, 03:25 AM   #196
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by warellis View Post
Do they have any energy weapon small arms?
I usually assume not: when I am running FLAT BLACK laser smallarms have been "coming real soon now" for forty years. They work okay in ideal conditions and some colonies in the Suite have issued them to their troops, but in the field, when the air is full of smoke and dust, and enemy troops are behind foliage or light cover, the autofocus just doesn't work well enough. Either the shot is just that fatal fraction of a second too late, or the autofocus can't focus when the target is wreathed in mist, or it focusses on a damned leaf eight metres short of the target, or it won't burn through plasterboard and kill a hostile in the room beyond. Meanwhile, an EM carbine will put a warhead through smoke, dust, fog, rain, foliage, light cover, or a single-brick wall.

Corcoran Militech (a firm on Tau Ceti that makes cutting-edge laser batteries for Imperial warships) say they have made a breakthrough and will have specimens for field trials next year. Makes a change from their being "just five years off".

But weapons tech is not one of the things that matters about FLAT BLACK, not to me.

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Last edited by Agemegos; 11-01-2014 at 03:56 AM.
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Old 11-01-2014, 03:55 AM   #197
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

I think Icelander gets appalled when I write things like that.

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Old 11-02-2014, 02:39 PM   #198
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Someone asked a question by PM, my answer to which I would like to have in the thread on a "no names, no pack drill" basis.

Considering the operations and small size of the Imperial Marines, when they're on a mission that's more military than police work in nature, do they bring unmanned vehicles with them? Do they have any use for such things on their missions?
Yes, certainly. Ground and aerial.

Strong Imperial prejudices against indiscriminate weapons and killer robots, and laws based on them, prevent the Marines or anyone else from fielding an army of AI killing machines and autonomous weapons. To put that another way, it is a war crime to field machines that kill on their own accord. But remotely operated vehicles may be armed, and AI drones that kill on a specific human order are okay.

An Imperial marines fireteam of four takes the field on war-like operations with
  • a heavy weapon on a hexapod gun carriage, about like a quarter-ton scorpion back-to-front with an HMG on the tail;
  • about five tetrapod infantry drones each like a rottweiler with built-in auto battle rifle and grenade launcher;
  • two bipedal scout drones a bit like a chimpanzees with assault rifles;
  • an anti-tank rocket launcher;
  • two flying and two crawling reconnaisance drones;
  • and a swarm of hexapod supply/ammunition/stretcher carriers rather like giant beetles, each with room for an injured man on a battlesuit under the armoured "wing covers".

The four actual marines are there to lead and supervise the robots. The team leader supervises one infantry drone and the reconnaisance drones and calls in orbital laser fire support etc. The scout supervises the scout and antitank drones. The gunner supervises the gun and selects targets for it. The young marine supervises four infantry drones.

Two of those teams make up an Imperial Marines commando section: eight humans, twenty-six armed AI unmanned vehicles, about a dozen AI ammo carriers with three tons of ammo, orbital laser backup, and a partridge in a pear tree. That's the smallest unit of operation the Marines would send on, say, a combat patrol. They would go smaller and lighter on a hostage rescue, say, or most strategic sabotage raids.

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Old 11-02-2014, 10:56 PM   #199
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Default Re: Imperial Marines


How does the FTL drive in Flat Black work?
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Old 11-02-2014, 11:42 PM   #200
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Default Re: Imperial Marines

Originally Posted by warellis View Post

How does the FTL drive in Flat Black work?
Activated a safe distance from the atmosphere of a planet, it encapsulates the ship in a warp bubble that carries it in approximately a straight line (depending on gravitational gradients) at approximately 1000 c (depending on gravitational potentials, and relative to a frame of reference based on local masses in a complicated way) until it is shut off.

Upon activation and deactivation it creates a condition within a few thousand kilometres in which fusion reaction cross-sections are drastically increased, but which fades over a few tens of seconds. Hydrogen-oxygen fusion in seawater and nitrogen-nitrogen, nitrogen-oxygen, and oxygen-oxygen fusions in air denser than about 50 millibars proceed spontaneously. Use with care.

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