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Old 12-11-2024, 11:24 PM   #81
Join Date: Apr 2005
Default Re: New Talents

Originally Posted by stranger38 View Post
So i guess, combat skills in talents are ok?
Sort of. AFAIK, the current consensus opinion by Kromm and playtesters is that a single "theme" melee or low-tech ranged weapon skill is OK, as long as it's balanced by a couple of "theme" non-combat skills which aren't so useful.


Jungle Native Hunter: Blowgun; Naturalist (Jungle); Stealth; Survival (Jungle); Tracking.

Limiting Naturalist and Survival to just the jungle justifies the addition of the weapon skill.
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Old 12-11-2024, 11:47 PM   #82
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Default Re: New Talents

Originally Posted by stranger38 View Post
Help me on this. I`ve read somewhere that combat skills cannot be part of talents, but in DF 3 we have Forest Guardian for elves and that talent has Bow.

In our games, i like to play some scoutish type characters and i just take forest guardian and name it Natural Born Hunter.

So i guess, combat skills in talents are ok?
Power Ups 3: Talents p23 talks about Combat Talents and how this misconception came to be. The main thing is that most weapon skills don't make sense in isolation in a talent, you'd usually have to put in at least a couple for a regular talent to make sense (racial talents can do whatever the GM wants).

Related to that page, I personally do allow the overly broad Weapon Talent because even at 15pts per level it's probably overpriced (compare DX minus Basic Speed), but there are reasons why a player would want to take it even at that price. I might even drop it to 10pts considering that a similar bang skill has been fine in practice and bang skills definitely give a lot more than a talent.
Originally Posted by cosmicfish View Post
While I do not think that GURPS is perfect I do think that it is more balanced than what I am likely to create by GM fiat.
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Old 12-12-2024, 10:07 AM   #83
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Default Re: New Talents

Originally Posted by kirbwarrior View Post
Power Ups 3: Talents p23 talks about Combat Talents and how this misconception came to be. The main thing is that most weapon skills don't make sense in isolation in a talent, you'd usually have to put in at least a couple for a regular talent to make sense (racial talents can do whatever the GM wants).

Related to that page, I personally do allow the overly broad Weapon Talent because even at 15pts per level it's probably overpriced (compare DX minus Basic Speed), but there are reasons why a player would want to take it even at that price. I might even drop it to 10pts considering that a similar bang skill has been fine in practice and bang skills definitely give a lot more than a talent.
I know that talents have to make sense and abide by a theme

Using the exemple i gave. Natural Born Hunter covers Bow, Camouflage, Observation, Stealth, Tracking and Survival.

Let`s create the Inner City Survivor: Brawling, Escape, Knife, Stealth, Running and Urban Survival. This to me sounds ok

Not ok would be: Axe/mace, Brawling, Knife, Garrote, Poisons and Wrestling

So i guess one or two weapon skills or combat skills make sense
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Old 12-16-2024, 01:28 AM   #84
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Default Re: New Talents

Originally Posted by Pursuivant View Post
Sort of. AFAIK, the current consensus opinion by Kromm and playtesters is that a single "theme" melee or low-tech ranged weapon skill is OK, as long as it's balanced by a couple of "theme" non-combat skills which aren't so useful.
I never found that to be a convincing argument when it's perfectly fine to have all your important social or mental skills covered by a talent and play in low-to-no combat games. Is that not doign for those games exactly what allowing someone to take five combat skills in a Talent doing for games with more combat? And if one is okay, then the other should be equally okay...

I've rarely seen someone get use out of more then 2-3 combat skills, so if someone wants a talent that covers 5+ combat skills I'm fine with it, just like I'm fine with the 'face' taking Smooth Operator or a Mage taking Magery...
Run the game you want to play in.
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Old 12-16-2024, 03:59 AM   #85
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Default Re: New Talents

Originally Posted by mburr0003 View Post
I never found that to be a convincing argument when it's perfectly fine to have all your important social or mental skills covered by a talent and play in low-to-no combat games. Is that not doign for those games exactly what allowing someone to take five combat skills in a Talent doing for games with more combat? And if one is okay, then the other should be equally okay...

I've rarely seen someone get use out of more then 2-3 combat skills, so if someone wants a talent that covers 5+ combat skills I'm fine with it, just like I'm fine with the 'face' taking Smooth Operator or a Mage taking Magery...
Same, most of the time you don't need many. And they have defaults from one another. In most of the games I played or GMed for last couple of years we used talents. And it's very strange to see 2-4 points in most skills and 16 or more in combat skills. Why they should be different?
I'm probably overthinking.
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