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Old 01-26-2017, 09:05 PM   #31
Join Date: Jan 2017
Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

As a side note: other than that you should pay 10 pt to equal male ST, I want able to figure out how much of a difference this changes points and such for character creation. (Part of me Sais some of the short notes are put down wrong, making other parts harder to understand.)

"NPC average DX and IQ are 10.5, not 10.
ST costs 5 points/level. All other ST costs are the same. Most Adult Male NPC's have ST 11, not 10."

Current charicter notes/changes on last page.

Last edited by Friendpmcii; 01-26-2017 at 09:08 PM.
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Old 01-27-2017, 09:15 AM   #32
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Well, you pay 5 points to be average male ST, not 10, because the cost of ST is now 5/level.

Costs for DX and IQ are not changed. Expectations should be: Your current character is a little less athletic than the norm. Which is fine, just be aware of it.

Which sheet are you editing
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Old 01-27-2017, 06:23 PM   #33
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Sence there is no issue with natural law, I have made the changes to the first application.

After adjusting for ST only costing 5pts that gives another 5 points to spend. I'm thinking Eidetic Memory (if excepted) or +1 Per.

Last edited by Friendpmcii; 01-28-2017 at 05:40 PM.
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Old 01-29-2017, 05:04 PM   #34
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Low status is denied --- but low wealth may be appropriate. Low status in a modern setting is generally more than just low wealth.

Other than that he looks good.
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Old 01-29-2017, 06:29 PM   #35
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Low status dropped, removed a point from writing and added a dislike.
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Old 02-05-2017, 12:06 AM   #36
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Are we playing with:

Or do I need to update:

I noticed the link you are using is the second one (which didn't get any updates from the list of needed changes.)

Though I will likely put the order more like the old one, it was easyer to read.

I know it will make it less likely to be easy to use psychology (there being a negative for different races) but I was thinking of redistributing the psychology points to up perception and make skills like body language/detect lies stand on its own.

Then again a homebrew talent would be smarter.
Home made talent 4 (people watcher 5/each) [20] observation, detect lies, body language, psychology, sociology, sociology.
Alternative would mitigate -1/lv for doing any of those skills faster.

Last edited by Friendpmcii; 02-07-2017 at 07:31 PM.
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Old 05-30-2017, 11:05 AM   #37
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Originally Posted by Hellboy View Post
Would there be access to Arm ST / Lifting ST / Striking ST with appropriate unusual background perks? If so, would they also decrease in cost by half? Is HP half due to being ST based?
As it says: All other ST costs are the same. So no, they are not halved. Yes, this means ST is more than the sum of its parts. If you want lifting ST I won't charge a perk for any reasonable* level. HP in particular is not negotiable: it will be the full two points. If you want to argue for the others at half price, go ahead. I doubt I'll approve arm ST, but I'm quite happy to work with lifting or striking ST.

Would a severely limited unconcious Warp to give GM flexibility to out you in different spots of similar alternate realities be out of place?
Historically speaking, I've used license drift has given me to achieve the same effect. So yes, its appropriate to add to the Warp package. It'd look pretty much identical in terms of modifiers, and wouldn't actually change the character's abilities.

*Yes, this intentionally left undefined. just build a person and you'll be fine.
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Old 06-01-2017, 10:14 PM   #38
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

It appears that the correct number for the jumper is indeed [30], not [40]. Thats a math error.

The change to the clairsentience and unusual background clarified abilities that I was giving characters anyways.

Each visit is marked by dreams about the world you're currently on/going to. This was something players actively pursued and a couple of them started getting key info while dreaming about the world. This doesn't replace anything, it just reflects a power the characters had. Also, the distance involved is super-planetary: its got increased range on it.

The Unusual Background replaces Magery and the "Gizmo Power". The "Gizmo Power" started out as 5 points that let you instantly earn the first supernatural power you wanted. As it turned out, its works better if we just assume the character meets all requirements for all magic systems and charge 50 points for that privilege.

Acquiring Limitations? I suppose its theoretically possible. I suspect limitation swapping is more likely than limitation gaining: you loose unconscious only but pick up a trigger or something like that. But you've got to find the circumstances where that happens first.
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Old 11-02-2017, 11:42 AM   #39
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Originally Posted by Hellboy View Post
Noticing the shared modifiers for Jumper and Clairsentience. Is the 1 hour of preparation reflecting the time it takes to fall asleep?
Kind of. You don't just have to fall asleep, you have to be asleep for a while.

Uncontrollable failing a will check I guess means you need to fall asleep while upset/stressed/scared?
No, stress doesn't actually trigger this. In fact, it's less likely to go off when you're stressed. Yes, this is not uncontrollable as RAW. Its that the power goes off when it would be inconvenient for the user. This is pretty much GM fiat until you learn the dreaming skill, and even then the dreaming skill only allows to try and stop traveling.

Re dreaming skill roll: would penalties for taking less time or bonuses for taking more time apply?
I've never done it. Its probably doable if someone wanted to try.

Curious about the Cosmic +50%. Is what that does some kind of mystery to discover or is it just something like they are part of a shared power category, or maybe cosmic: defensive to prevent negation or cosmic: adds utility to be usable if inhabiting other bodies?
Its defensive. We've had one player leave both Coventry and Yrth.

Reason I am curious about Powers is they could potentially be made cheaper if considered psionics. Jumper can fall under Teleportation (B257) and Clairsentience under ESP (B255-256) which would give each another -10% and open up the possibility of purchasing Talent for a +1 to rolls per 5 points. I guess buying up the Dreaming skill would be cheaper though, unless acquiring other psi in same category which did not default to Dreaming.
They are not Psionics. They aren't effected by psychotronics, have no known countermeasures, don't come with any disadvantages, channel no energy, and are pretty difficult to stop. In as much as they have a power modifier, that modifier is cosmic.

Since both have Uncontrollable / Unconscious Only, B254 comes to mind. It allows psi to be "potential advantages" (B33) which function as if they had these limitations. Rather than a -% subject to -80% cap it is a halving of final cost.
Yes, you could build it that way. The trick there is that a potential advantage has a trigger that gives you the develop their abilities: they remove it a little at a time.

Clairsentience seemed a bit off in your initial total too, had not looked closely.
I used multiplicative modifiers.

Was range accurate?
On second look, range is 190%, not 200%. but that won't be the whole of the problem, and I'm more inclined to extend the range than to reduce the cost.
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Old 11-05-2017, 03:37 AM   #40
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Originally Posted by Hellboy View Post
Ah, so you were using Powers 102, now I know how to approach it... You total enhancements, apply that and create new total, then total limitations and apply them... So if it were rewrote it would be good to list enhancements first then limitations. So I'll math this out and see how it works. I figure you only used it for this power?
All but the simplest of powers use multiplicative modifiers. for example:

Jumper Enhancements (total +100%)
Jumper Limitations (total -170%)
Total: 30 points (OP still needs change from 40) does not use multiplicative modifiers.

Yes, without multiplicative its 30 points. With multiplicative its 40 points (200/5 because of the -80% cap), and I intentionally used it.

Clairsentience Enhancements (total +250%) changes 50 points to (multiply by 3.5) 175 points

But if I change this to 190% as you suggest.. 50 + 240% gives 170 points, div 5 is 34 points.
correct. Though I actually suggested changing the range to x5 million, keeping the numbers pentaphillic.

I should point out these are campaign advantages, and they don't have to come out of your point budget. They are essentially free.

Here's something else I'm wondering about... can these powers be used at the same time? They seem kinda mutually exclusive... like if you were spending 1 hour apiece to prep whilst sleeping, would you spend 2 hours to simultaneously ready both?
They are used at the same time all the time. There is some argument to be made that they should be linked. If you read any of the old threads, It will become immediately apparent. When you arrive in a new world, you receive a dream with hints about what's going on in this particular world.

Was wondering if maybe they might be modeled using the optional "Alternative Abilities" rule on powers page 11.
So no, its not a good model, because they absolutely get used at the same time. but its a nice thought.

The drawback to that approach is mutual neutralization, so paying full price for both as you have done means 1 can burn out without burning out the other. This could be important with stuff like fails on Extra Effort, which forces a check for crippling per P160. Alternate Abilities means EE fail on 1 could cripple both, full price means EE fail on 1 could only cripple what you were using but not the one you weren't using.
mutual neutralization might actually be a feature, not a bug. I've never seen any one use extra effort on the abilities though, and we've never seen a critical failure... interesting thought.
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