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Old 03-14-2024, 09:14 AM   #1781
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Bob: "Has it occurred to you that these people are possibly looking for you? That you should be staying as far away as you can from them?"
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Old 03-14-2024, 09:45 AM   #1782
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter's eyes widen. It had not occurred to him.

"I know a lady was looking for me, and I saw this place when I tried to find HER. So I was afraid she was in a storage space or something, I didn't think I could be seeing this because it was part two of the first vision and not what I was trying to see. If you're right, they may be packing up to come to our house!"

((OOC: FYI - I checked Bad Temper and passed, but I decided Peter took offence to the thought of the intrusion. Had it been a fail I would have checked impulsive to see just how hasty it made him...))
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Old 03-15-2024, 10:45 AM   #1783
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Uncle Bob: "Come down to my place as a precaution. We don't know anything for sure, but it sounds like its Peter they're interested in. The house should be safe."

Dad:"Good idea. Its been too long. What food do you want us to pick up on the way down?"

Uncle Bob: "You've got a long drive on Christmas Eve. We'll take care of it."
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Old 03-15-2024, 11:01 AM   #1784
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"I'm sorry everyone. I didn't think I was gonna bulldoze Christmas."

Peter will discuss whether they want him to tell Grunklebob EVERYTHING or not.

When they stop for gas, Peter gets out to grab Goliath and the family some drinks and finds some incense sticks that smell right (for posible magic demonstrations) and he pays and checks his phone to see how long they have left on their trip.

He's suddenly filled with delight at the convenience he's missed. His wallet in his pocket, his phone, clothes that fit and a road trip with the family. Things might have become complicated... but they could certainly be worse.
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Old 03-18-2024, 11:14 AM   #1785
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I'm sorry everyone. I didn't think I was gonna bulldoze Christmas."
Mom: "Nonsense. We're so happy to have you. Its the best thing that could have happened."

Peter will discuss whether they want him to tell Grunklebob EVERYTHING or not.
Dad: "Tell him. He's in the best situation to help you, and we know we can trust him. Wait until you're close enough to be able to demonstrate some of your most fantastic claims, that will help a lot."

When they stop for gas, Peter gets out to grab Goliath and the family some drinks and finds some incense sticks that smell right (for possible magic demonstrations) and he pays and checks his phone to see how long they have left on their trip.

He's suddenly filled with delight at the convenience he's missed. His wallet in his pocket, his phone, clothes that fit and a road trip with the family. Things might have become complicated... but they could certainly be worse.

They arrive at Grunkle Bob's. He has Aunt Mary, their Son Luke and his wife Gracie, and their daughters Madison and Caitlin. Peter hasn't spent much time with his second cousins: they're 3 and 6 years younger than him, respectively.

Grunkle Bob and Graunt Mary give everyone hugs and invite them in. Bob asks questions about if they can access a home security system, and is told they can't. Aunt Mary pulls some big blankets out of a closet and sets them up on the couch. They have enough cookies and candy for everyone.
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Old 03-18-2024, 12:20 PM   #1786
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

I presume that Bob and Mom have contrived some kind of cover story for their sudden change of plans?

Peter tries to compartmentalize the thoughts of potentially being hunted and the idea he's about to spill his guts while he warmly greets the family.

He tell his cousins that yes, Goliath is super-smart, loves playing and petting, and if there is snow he can pull their sled, but no, you cannot ride on him.

Once he gets the opportunity to see his Great uncle alone with his parents, he will tell his story.

"Back in May, I woke up naked in the woods. Goliath was with me. It turned out to be a whole other world, and the people there said the people of the lost roanoke colony had come there and a bunch of other people through the Bermuda triangle. I fell asleep there one night and we woke up naked in a jungle, and I met people who used technology to go from world to world, but they didn't know how to find ours. Another time I went to a place where they could turn smoke into things and creatures with magic, and I've been to a space station that seems like I was hundreds of years in our future and that's not even the craziest part of that on. I have been to even more that you would find way WAY harder to believe. I've learned some magic along the way, a little here and a little there. I seem to have a knack for it. Wanna see? My favorite is called Karana, aka Smoke Pulling. "

Peter will ask if he can light some incense to use for both Karana smoke and Broken world magic. He will demonstrate Karana.

We're gonna do this small, so there's not too much smoke and smaller is easier. The first thing I learned to do was a rock

Peter takes the trickle of smoke and curls it and causes it to dip and swirl in an obviously controlled manner until it congeals into a pebble.

Peter tosses it across to his great uncle allowing it to skitter solidly with a clatter over to him to pick up and inspect.

"Then I learned bread and fruit.
I'm still working on peanut butter, but I'm awesome with berries.

Peter grabs a few tissues to light on fire in case the incense ruins the flavor of the karana-fruit, and pulls the swirl of smoke in and the result this time is a plump and juicy strawberry.

"Try it."

Peter smiles, enjoying putting on his little show...

"But then it gets really impressive, and I learned critters. "
eter takes a few moments for the extra smoke to gather to enough volume to make a fist sized Goliath Runt on the table. Peter tosses a pen cap, and the tiny dog gleefully chases after it across the table.

"Not only does 'Runt' kinda think on his own and want stuff based on how I built his nature, but I can kind of tell him what he thinks and what he wants moment to moment. Or I can just control him directly. And I can like, put myself in his senses. It's super cool and useful. The link is good for about 20 paces, but that's plenty useful for making a little scout to look over trees and around corners."

Peter will answer any questions, and share the details of other worlds and magic, complete with demonstrations, if requested.
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Old 03-19-2024, 11:46 AM   #1787
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I presume that Bob and Mom have contrived some kind of cover story for their sudden change of plans?
Yes, the beach resort you had reservations with overbooked itself and you found out half way to florida.

Peter tries to compartmentalize the thoughts of potentially being hunted and the idea he's about to spill his guts while he warmly greets the family.

He tell his cousins that yes, Goliath is super-smart, loves playing and petting, and if there is snow he can pull their sled, but no, you cannot ride on him.
Once he gets the opportunity to see his Great uncle alone with his parents, he will tell his story.

"Back in May, I woke up naked in the woods. Goliath was with me. It turned out to be a whole other world, and the people there said the people of the lost roanoke colony had come there and a bunch of other people through the Bermuda triangle. I fell asleep there one night and we woke up naked in a jungle, and I met people who used technology to go from world to world, but they didn't know how to find ours. Another time I went to a place where they could turn smoke into things and creatures with magic, and I've been to a space station that seems like I was hundreds of years in our future and that's not even the craziest part of that on. I have been to even more that you would find way WAY harder to believe. I've learned some magic along the way, a little here and a little there. I seem to have a knack for it. Wanna see? My favorite is called Karana, aka Smoke Pulling. "
This ends up being late at night, when the parents are putting out Christmas, and even afterwards. Uncle Bob asks a bunch of questions, mostly around the actual dreaming and waking.


Peter will ask if he can light some incense to use for both Karana smoke and Broken world magic. He will demonstrate Karana.

We're gonna do this small, so there's not too much smoke and smaller is easier. The first thing I learned to do was a rock

Peter takes the trickle of smoke and curls it and causes it to dip and swirl in an obviously controlled manner until it congeals into a pebble.

Peter tosses it across to his great uncle allowing it to skitter solidly with a clatter over to him to pick up and inspect.

"Then I learned bread and fruit.
I'm still working on peanut butter, but I'm awesome with berries.

Peter grabs a few tissues to light on fire in case the incense ruins the flavor of the karana-fruit, and pulls the swirl of smoke in and the result this time is a plump and juicy strawberry.

"Try it."

Peter smiles, enjoying putting on his little show...

"But then it gets really impressive, and I learned critters. "
eter takes a few moments for the extra smoke to gather to enough volume to make a fist sized Goliath Runt on the table. Peter tosses a pen cap, and the tiny dog gleefully chases after it across the table.

"Not only does 'Runt' kinda think on his own and want stuff based on how I built his nature, but I can kind of tell him what he thinks and what he wants moment to moment. Or I can just control him directly. And I can like, put myself in his senses. It's super cool and useful. The link is good for about 20 paces, but that's plenty useful for making a little scout to look over trees and around corners."
The berries turn to smoke when chewed of course, but are effective at getting the point across, as is runt.

Bob is quiet and thoughtful for most of this, and seems to be silently studying the whole thing.

"Who have you told about this, besides me?" he asks at the end.

"Have you seen anything suspicious here, while you've been here?"

"Have you met anyone who seems to be similar?"

"Day after Christmas, I want you to meet a buddy of mine. He worked with a girl with a similar story. At least I think."
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Old 03-19-2024, 03:01 PM   #1788
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Who have you told about this, besides me?" he asks at the end.
"Not a soul who isn't in this room."
"Have you seen anything suspicious here, while you've been here?"
"Other than the storage pace stuff, no. Nothing since we left Massachusetts."
"Have you met anyone who seems to be similar?"
"No. I don't think Goliath counts, he comes with me. It feels like I'm being guided, but the future-space station world with the bioengineering said I have some weird outside human baseline DNA "

Peter had not mentioned this before, so his parents may have a reaction...
"Day after Christmas, I want you to meet a buddy of mine. He worked with a girl with a similar story. At least I think."
Peter explains that he will do his best, but sometimes his dreams have other ideas. He is anxious to meet this other agent and hear about the girl who might be like him.


Peter once gave a Thuroman the archaic form of their language by trying to grant him "the language of the land" rather than a language either one of them had... Peter is curious if he would get a native American language or something else if he tired that here... he will give it a shot. If it works he will give the language to Grunklebob too so they can speak using it. If that doesn't work and Grunkle Bob speaks a foreign language, Peter will copy that as demonstration.


Peter will try and have a wonderful Christmas with his extended family!
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Old 03-20-2024, 10:36 AM   #1789
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Not a soul who isn't in this room."
Bob: "At least outside of your dreams. I really wish we'd been able to set up a remote camera. We at least have the camera in your room, so we may be able to tell if they come in. Maybe its a false alarm. If its not, that means you're either more careless than you think you are, or they're looking for people like you rather than you in specific."

"Other than the storage pace stuff, no. Nothing since we left Massachusetts."
Bob: "I mean since you started jumping."

"No. I don't think Goliath counts, he comes with me. It feels like I'm being guided, but the future-space station world with the bioengineering said I have some weird outside human baseline DNA "
Bob: "That's an interesting claim. might be interesting to verify... but be careful about how you present the DNA. Maybe I'll see if I can check it. Its strange... but no stranger than that smoke-made-dog"

Peter had not mentioned this before, so his parents may have a reaction...
Mom: "Different? Like how?"
Her voice is quite sharp. Dad is quiet.

Peter explains that he will do his best, but sometimes his dreams have other ideas. He is anxious to meet this other agent and hear about the girl who might be like him.
Uncle Bob: "I understand. That's half the issue. Day after Christmas, if you can make it."

Peter once gave a Thuroman the archaic form of their language by trying to grant him "the language of the land" rather than a language either one of them had... Peter is curious if he would get a native American language or something else if he tired that here... he will give it a shot. If it works he will give the language to Grunklebob too so they can speak using it. If that doesn't work and Grunkle Bob speaks a foreign language, Peter will copy that as demonstration.
The language Grunkle Bob ends up with is English*.

*got to make a note on why that is so I don't forget.


Peter will try and have a wonderful Christmas with his extended family!
He tell his cousins that yes, Goliath is super-smart, loves playing and petting, and if there is snow he can pull their sled, but no, you cannot ride on him.
There is no snow this far south, but the weather is just above freezing, and they want to stay inside. Goliath manages to make himself loved anyone, using his doggy charisma.

Of course, even doggy charisma is overwhelmed by Christmas gifts in the mind of an 8-year old. Bob and Mary managed to get a supply of candy for Peter and some small gifts, mostly clothing or snacks. Christmas dinner is delicious. Peter didn't dream Christmas eve. Christmas is wonderful, if strange, and he's with family.

Christmas night, he dreams of his parents home. Its quiet, dark, and silent. For some reason, the clocks attract his attention.
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Old 03-20-2024, 12:09 PM   #1790
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Bob: "At least outside of your dreams. I really wish we'd been able to set up a remote camera. We at least have the camera in your room, so we may be able to tell if they come in. Maybe its a false alarm. If its not, that means you're either more careless than you think you are, or they're looking for people like you rather than you in specific."
Peter indicates there were other files in his vision of the woman's office, but if those people were mobilizing for him, they must have some kind of surveillance on the house to have known he returned.

Bob: "I mean since you started jumping."
Peter retells his previous time at home and what they told the authorities.

Bob: "That's an interesting claim. might be interesting to verify... but be careful about how you present the DNA. Maybe I'll see if I can check it. Its strange... but no stranger than that smoke-made-dog"

Mom: "Different? Like how?"
Her voice is quite sharp. Dad is quiet.
Is Dad just speechless, or does empathy/body language say he's hiding something?

Peter explains that he doesn't have any more detail than that, and it's just what "Slick" told him.

The language Grunkle Bob ends up with is English*.

*got to make a note on why that is so I don't forget.
Peter would do himself first and not bother with it if it's not going to have an effect to demonstrate. Peter will experiment... can he go back further and look for something more ancient?

Christmas night, he dreams of his parents home. Its quiet, dark, and silent. For some reason, the clocks attract his attention.
Peter will study the scene and of course, pay special attention to the clocks.
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