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Old 01-29-2024, 11:16 AM   #1721
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Default Re: The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Was he able to get the tent and blanket?
No, he's going to have to pick one.

I'm going to say Peter's expertise on Mars ends with knowing the moons, that there is a little more gravity than the moon, and that you can't breathe there...

"Not really, breeds are different, and I've never tried doing it through a town, that would be tough. If we are going through the town we should backtrack on our path a bit, then come back and circle in to maybe confuse them and slow them down, then we go through and through and lose our scents with that of the town. Tracking is slower than walking, and we can doubletime it out the side road."

Peters mind reels and he thinks back to checking out the town... where were those animal pens, horses and anything else that might have a strong odor to throw off the dogs... He plans thor route accordingly. (Lemon juicing their shoes might work, and be hilarious... Did Peter see any citrus? :D )
This is a contest of tracking skill between Peter and the Dogs... fortunately he's on good ground to try and throw them off... He leads them through the streets, doubling back and making a couple of loops and mixing their scent with the townsfolk. They pass through a few different animal pens, mostly chickens. There is no citrus, but he does find a touch of kerosene to stick on the shoes. At a couple points, they have to pick up goliath: fortunately he avoids peeing anywhere Finally they head out, and as Peter says "double time it" out of town.
"And I can't heal him if he's dead, I don't think..."
Armstrong: "you have that little faith in me?"

"The group tracking us before didn't have dogs... so this is another group. You guys are popular!"
They both shrug uncomfortably at that. Peter knows once again something is up with Williamson.

Peter recalls a third group from the dream that brought him here, travelling with a bird... Very popular indeed.
Huh? I'm not remembering this or following you.

Is there any activity in the town at this hour? Any fires burning?
As you are going through, you see one house with a burning lamp, plus the bakery.
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Old 01-29-2024, 12:22 PM   #1722
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Default The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars


Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
No, he's going to have to pick one.
For the shopping, Peter will get the blanket and with the change some extra cordage and snacks he can share with Goliath.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
This is a contest of tracking skill between Peter and the Dogs...
If the results of the contest are not favorable, let's apply luck to the side most likely to show a result Peter would find optimal.

After masking their scents, Peter consults his compass and leads them out of town from an off road point at about a 45 degree angle off of their destination vector, taking it a bit farther from the road. It would be nice to take the road or head directly to for their destination, but if they sent a scout on a horse they would be done for.

"We may want to split up, criss cross our paths some before we meet back up, might confuse the dogs. They also might follow me and Goliath now that our scents have travelled together for a while even if they don't smell you guys who they probably have a scent source for the dogs to follow, so are the primary target."

I've been half expecting them to order Peter to split up and finish the mission on his own (or get someone in the town to) for that reason.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Armstrong: "you have that little faith in me?"
"We have no idea how many there are, and I've never seen you fight. You couldn't keep him out of trouble." Peter teases. He does a joking double take at Williamson and then faigns a look of panic and snaps off a slute.

If it is the group he saw before, it is five men with three dogs and a bird in a cage, but there is no way to be sure if it is the same group, and no graceful way to impart that information.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

They both shrug uncomfortably at that. Peter knows once again something is up with Williamson.
Peter says to Williamson, "There's something you're not telling me. I get the feeling that it would be putting Armstrong in a more awkward position than it puts you to ask you about it. I don't intend to leave you, but it's not my scent their following. So I guess what I'm asking is, do I need to know?"

Along the way when there is opportunity, Peter will build himself a flash burning bundle, like he had done for making a quick karana at Karaka.

They will high tail it out of there at best speed.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 01-29-2024 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 01-30-2024, 02:34 PM   #1723
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Default Re: The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse - Peter Nichols of Mars


oh, the pigeon! That's what you meant by bird....

For the shopping, Peter will get the blanket and with the change some extra cordage and snacks he can share with Goliath.
done. rope/twine seems to be cheap in the store, and readily available. Lots of people must buy it here.

Peter says to Williamson, "There's something you're not telling me. I get the feeling that it would be putting Armstrong in a more awkward position than it puts you to ask you about it. I don't intend to leave you, but it's not my scent their following. So I guess what I'm asking is, do I need to know?"
Armstrong looks at Williamson. Williamson grimaces. "I'm a high value target for the enemy. Does that tell you enough?"

If the results of the contest are not favorable, let's apply luck to the side most likely to show a result Peter would find optimal.

After masking their scents, Peter consults his compass and leads them out of town from an off road point at about a 45 degree angle off of their destination vector, taking it a bit farther from the road. It would be nice to take the road or head directly to for their destination, but if they sent a scout on a horse they would be done for.

"We may want to split up, criss cross our paths some before we meet back up, might confuse the dogs. They also might follow me and Goliath now that our scents have travelled together for a while even if they don't smell you guys who they probably have a scent source for the dogs to follow, so are the primary target."

I've been half expecting them to order Peter to split up and finish the mission on his own (or get someone in the town to) for that reason.

Along the way when there is opportunity, Peter will build himself a flash burning bundle, like he had done for making a quick karana at Karaka.
They split up and make the trail complicated, but return together at the end. The moon is setting in the east just as the sun comes up. Armstrong insists you continue the march through the day. There are some fields, some livestock, and you pass a few more villages.

As the day rolls on, they spot some soldiers on horseback, this time wearing red uniforms. Peter is exhausted. He made his hiking roll, but they've been walking for about 15 hours. And they've been awake that long (your down 3 FP by my calcuations, plus hiking fatigue).

OCC: You rolled an 8, they rolled a 16. And you picked advantageous ground and tracking is one of your better skills. Your luck is intact.

"We have no idea how many there are, and I've never seen you fight. You couldn't keep him out of trouble." Peter teases. He does a joking double take at Williamson and then faigns a look of panic and snaps off a slute.
Armstrong: "I kept him alive, didn't I? I suppose you're right. They had another Yaka last time."

If it is the group he saw before, it is five men with three dogs and a bird in a cage, but there is no way to be sure if it is the same group, and no graceful way to impart that information.
Yeah, how would he possibly know that?
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Old 01-30-2024, 03:27 PM   #1724
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

They split up and make the trail complicated, but return together at the end. The moon is setting in the east just as the sun comes up. Armstrong insists you continue the march through the day. There are some fields, some livestock, and you pass a few more villages.
If the Martians I am with are in military outfits, getting them changed out at the next village is top priority (and we should have done it at the first opportunity). We can also see about picking up horses.

"I'm a high value target for the enemy. Does that tell you enough?"
"Value beyond stopping our mission? It tells me me might want to see if we can recruit other runners at the villages to create more low priority targets to increase the mission's success odds."

Armstrong: "I kept him alive, didn't I? I suppose you're right. They had another Yaka last time."
"Since we didn't know if they have one or more this time, I think it was the right call."

As the day rolls on, they spot some soldiers on horseback, this time wearing red uniforms. Peter is exhausted. He made his hiking roll, but they've been walking for about 15 hours. And they've been awake that long (your down 3 FP by my calcuations, plus hiking fatigue).
Have they seen us?
Are the Martians dressed as soldiers?
Were we able to get horses?
Did we give up cross country and go to the road, or are these guys just out on the prairie and got really lucky?

If they know they killed their original scout, they're looking for two, and they are not expecting a kid and a dog in any event, so if we are lucky, they may just pay us no mind... We should not match the description of the group they are looking for.

We will avoid being seen if possible. We are exhausted and they have horses, so escape seems unlikely and if there is combat we will be disadvantaged. If we can't get away unseen, we will try and fast talk them if Peter's companions are not in local military gear. If we are seen and they are dressed as the 'enemy' we seem pretty screwed.
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Old 02-01-2024, 11:36 AM   #1725
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
If the Martians I am with are in military outfits, getting them changed out at the next village is top priority (and we should have done it at the first opportunity). We can also see about picking up horses.
They object to changing clothes... if they're out of uniform they can be treated as spies, which is to say summarily executed.

"Value beyond stopping our mission? It tells me me might want to see if we can recruit other runners at the villages to create more low priority targets to increase the mission's success odds."
Williamson: "We are in friendly territory now, more or less. Its a good idea."

"Since we didn't know if they have one or more this time, I think it was the right call."
Armstrong: "Fair enough."

Have they seen us?
Not yet.
Are the Martians dressed as soldiers?
Were we able to get horses?
Did we give up cross country and go to the road, or are these guys just out on the prairie and got really lucky?
You're still cross country. These are friendly troops on patrol looking for the enemy sneaking up on them (they wear red uniforms, not green).

Armstrong and Williamson are pretty happy to see them.
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Old 02-01-2024, 11:40 AM   #1726
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

((OOC: I am so sorry... missed that they were red uniforms. I even quoted it... ugh ))

I presume we go down and meet them then? Or do my companions have other plans?

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 02-01-2024 at 11:45 AM.
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Old 02-01-2024, 11:49 AM   #1727
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

They're very excited! they have finally reached their destination! Williamson makes a comment about sleeping soundly, and Armstrong about saving the Fort. (I figured acomplishing the mission was a good roleplay/decision moment).

Your Counter tracking roll was successful by the way.
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Old 02-01-2024, 12:29 PM   #1728
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]


Peter signals Goliath with a "Speak!" to announce their presence and waves to the patrol. He does an excited little hop and celebrates with the men! He's looking forward to a good meal and a bath himself!

As they walk down, Peter asks "So, was I a good soldier?"

Peter reaches into his pocket and produces the handkerchief and string loincloth they loaned him on arrival.

"Thanks. You want this back?"

At some point he will mention that he'd still like to see how the Voice works, ("Is it safe to show me now?") and Healing if they make it back to some kind of base or something.

He is still curious about the other feats of magic they have here, and tying it to his grand unified magic mumbo-jumbo.

All the while he makes little mental notes about everyone and their accents, or the little technological differences. He wonders, what will he call his book about the War on the Little Red Planet?
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Old 02-01-2024, 08:39 PM   #1729
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

... When the sun goes down again, Peter notices the big dipper... they were in such a rush he hadn't really payed attention


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Old 02-02-2024, 10:57 AM   #1730
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

goliath barks, and the two soliders wave at the patrol. They reach you quickly, and one of them escorts the whole group back to a village where they can send a messenger. They end up putting the three of them in a barn for the night.

Armstrong: "No, you weren't a good soldier. All the wrong salutes, no weaponry, you brought a dog... but you were just what we needed. You saved Williamson's life, and who knows, you might have saved mine as well."

The two men look at the handkerchief and string and laugh. "I don't want that back!" Armstrong guffaws. "Keep it!"

Armstrong says he'll show Peter the "Voice" in the morning "I'm way too tired."

Did he ask someone about mars?
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