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Old 01-26-2023, 08:52 AM   #1311
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The cleaning goes smoothly, and the possum-rat thing is soon ready to travel.

They've split up and haven't gone too far when Goliath and Peter find an enourmous three-toed footprint... maybe 12 inches for each toe. It looks something like a large bird... or maybe a dinosaur.
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Old 01-26-2023, 09:41 AM   #1312
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter follows the trail and points it out to his companions, cautioning them to try and remain quiet.

(We don't need a play-by-play for all of the hunting trip... I just wanted Peter to have some different color and experiences and have some stories to tell.)
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Old 01-27-2023, 10:56 AM   #1313
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter follows the trail and points it out to his companions, cautioning them to try and remain quiet.

Peter and Goliath track the creature for five miles, farther and farther from the camp. His companions are eager to catch the creature. Is he willing to track the beast beyond his ability to return to camp at night?
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Old 01-30-2023, 08:50 AM   #1314
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter is willing to keep going, but warns his companions that while he plans on being there in the morning, sometimes his dreams have other plans...

He asks them if they can bring his essentials back to the village should he vanish in the night.
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Old 01-30-2023, 10:48 AM   #1315
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Tym-Burzu twirls a javalin: "So you can't completely control it? We will take care of your belongings if you leave. And won't have Yal-Pona try to track you down. You will have to forfeit that celebratory meal though! Though we will still owe you a meal of some sort..."

Peter perseveres in the tracking. It takes all day, with sometimes Goliath loosing the trail, and sometimes Peter, but together they make it, finding the creature at the end... an enormous bird with an even larger beak.

His companions assault it, and the animal charges them. The gods seem to revel in this choice, and the animal is slain in combat rather than hunted.

Pal-Ursta: "Hah! that was worth the hike! A beast worthy of slaying. Or is it fowl worthy of combat?"

Tym-Burz: "Its a good kill. That's heavier than all but the largest of men. I hope Peter here stays with us, just to help us carry everything! We will owe you a feast for this kill!"

Peter dresses the bird. He's dressed birds before, and one or two large game, but never a 300-lb bird. Goliath is excited to get the entrails... though some of the entrails are "preserved".

They won't be able to get to the divine village before nightfall. Peter is asked to take the first watch. The gods seem intent on just "toughing out" their camping situation. Peter can get a modicum of comfort (his survival roll grants him two of "comfortable", "concealed" and "good lines of sight")
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Old 01-31-2023, 12:28 AM   #1316
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

While he is working on preparing the creature, he composes on the fly and sings a song telling the tale of the hunt from tracking to to the kill, working in Pal-Ursta's phrases 'a beast worthy of slaying' and a 'fowl worthy of combat'.

As Peter doubts subtlety or saftey are concerns with his current company He wiil prioritize comfort, then sight lines.

He is happy to take the first watch.
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Old 01-31-2023, 02:55 PM   #1317
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

They're happy to have Peter take the first shift. They're not sure the best way to cook the meat, but over a fire on sticks seems to be good enough. Everyone is happy.

He dreams. He dreams of An-Pona, around the council circle again. One of the gods is talking about "Preparing for if they don't come back". His dreams shift, and he dreams of his own room in the temple complex of Thuroma. His room.

He wakes up in his room, as an emissary. The dirt and blood isn't on his body anymore. Goliath is nearby. The messages to deliver are clear in his head. This is the third trip: they will let the four "leaders" of earth go after this, and they can start working on his project.

As Peter doubts subtlety or saftey are concerns with his current company He wiil prioritize comfort, then sight lines.
yeah.... hopefully you've gotten some idea of their mentalities in all this.

Also, its funny that he's the one waking up in the temple complex with attendants and civilization, while their nominal gods are roughing it in the wilderness.
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Old 02-01-2023, 10:17 AM   #1318
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter has his breakfast and sees to Goliaths.

He then delivers his messages and sends word to Tuvo Kyridas to come meet him and discuss next steps and and launching an agenda to make things better for the people of Thoroma and hopefully beyond.
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Old 02-02-2023, 11:05 AM   #1319
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The Lower Priests are at breakfast again. At some point, someone asks Peter if his parents are healthy.

There is a lot to do in the morning, exchanges messages back and forth. Peter performs quite well: Pirfan is happy with his performance, and compliments him on his improving memory. He also has a number of messages to memorize.

Pirfan suggests that Peter might want to see the last four Americans as they are returned home.

Tuvo Kyridas invites Peter to meet with him for Dinner at his home.

Tuvo Kyridas lives in the city, in a wealthier area. At the meal is Tuvo, his wife, and three daughters. The oldest daughter looks like she might be twelve, the youngest two. The meal features the most meat Peter has seen during his stay in this world. Peter is introduced as "The Emissary". The whole thing feels just a touch formal.
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Old 02-03-2023, 12:07 AM   #1320
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Lower Priests are at breakfast again. At some point, someone asks Peter if his parents are healthy.
Does this seem like a social pleasantry, like, 'How's the family' sort of a thing?

"I certainly hope so... How are yours?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There is a lot to do in the morning, exchanges messages back and forth. Peter performs quite well: Pirfan is happy with his performance, and compliments him on his improving memory. He also has a number of messages to memorize.
Peter does his homework...

While delivering his messages, he includes the tale and his song of the 'Fowl Worthy of Combat' to his report.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Pirfan suggests that Peter might want to see the last four Americans as they are returned home.
Peter will go to see them off. He wants to reiterate that he is hoping they will be involved with some kind of council to negotiate trade with this world and normalize relations.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Tuvo Kyridas invites Peter to meet with him for Dinner at his home.

Tuvo Kyridas lives in the city, in a wealthier area. At the meal is Tuvo, his wife, and three daughters. The oldest daughter looks like she might be twelve, the youngest two. The meal features the most meat Peter has seen during his stay in this world. Peter is introduced as "The Emissary". The whole thing feels just a touch formal.
Peter has enjoyed the grown ups and preists treating him with respect, but he's excited to spend some time with other kids. He will try and lighten the mood.

You can call me Peter. What are you names? Have you ever heard of a 'knock knock' joke?"

Peter will regale the girls with whatever jokes he thinks will make the cultural divide.
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