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Old 01-16-2025, 06:56 PM   #121
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

As mentioned in the OOC, looks like you missed this one.

Quoting it here so you don't have to go looking...
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
So how many security are headed to engineering with us?

Deloach asks Marc what we know about the raiders?

Do we know how many of them there are?

Do we know for sure if they are in engineering?

Do we know who they are?

I suppose he'll ask one of the prisoners that last question: Who are you? why are you aboard this ship?

The pocket toolkit... or TK. Its surprisingly useful in this sort of situation.
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Old 01-17-2025, 01:47 AM   #122
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
As mentioned in the OOC, looks like you missed this one.

Quoting it here so you don't have to go looking...
Thank you.
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Old 01-17-2025, 02:04 AM   #123
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
So how many security are headed to engineering with us?

Deloach asks Marc what we know about the raiders?
That came off the ore carrier that ranked us, plus some traits from the crew and passengers. It was a planned attack.

Do we know how many of them there are?
They're like cockroaches, running from the light. At least 30, probably more.

Do we know for sure if they are in engineering?
Yes. Had they just taken the bridge, this would be a standoff.

[quite]Do we know who they are?[/quote]

It doesn't matter. We have to room them out and destroy them.

I suppose he'll ask one of the prisoners that last question: Who are you? why are you aboard this ship?
Marc stops you. Do NOT try to talk with them. I'm still not sure how you fit in.

The pocket toolkit... or TK. Its surprisingly useful in this sort of situation.
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Old 01-17-2025, 02:11 AM   #124
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Xi'an will follow!
The bridge is smoky. The only thing you can see clearly is Coudalka's back. A brisk male voice says two more hostages. This is good.

He raises his voice, do not come in with more. I'll kill the hostages I have if you don't stop.

You feel Courdalka rushing forward.
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Old 01-17-2025, 07:48 AM   #125
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
The bridge is smoky. The only thing you can see clearly is Coudalka's back. A brisk male voice says two more hostages. This is good.

He raises his voice, do not come in with more. I'll kill the hostages I have if you don't stop.

You feel Courdalka rushing forward.
What can I see less than clearly then? Can any people or weapons be identified? Please describe the scene on more detail.

Rolled 7 on Blindfighting to pick out a target and eliminate penalties
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Old 01-17-2025, 09:54 AM   #126
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
So Marc, three others, DeLoach, and Leeonith, against whatever forces they have? a little smaller than I hoped. But you do battle with the army you've got.

That came off the ore carrier that ranked us, plus some traits from the crew and passengers. It was a planned attack.
How is the breach from the ore carrier? is it still leaking?

They're like cockroaches, running from the light. At least 30, probably more.
And there are traitors, which makes things complicated.

[quite]Do we know who they are?[/QUiTE]It doesn't matter. We have to room them out and destroy them.
"Surely it matters? Their goals and plans and motives are key to knowing how best to approach them."

Marc stops you. Do NOT try to talk with them. I'm still not sure how you fit in.
"Then you answer the question. Who are they? You've already said there are traitors, which means knowing the motives helps identify who is more or less suspect. I'm an engineer trying to make sure the ship I'm traveling on doesn't fall into the hands of violent criminals."

Are there any spots on the ship where they might have secreted useful tools? A maintenance room perhaps?
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:49 AM   #127
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
What can I see less than clearly then? Can any people or weapons be identified? Please describe the scene on more detail.

Rolled 7 on Blindfighting to pick out a target and eliminate penalties
It feels like a larger area, but not quite as large as the Star Trek bridges. There are several people here. You can hear Coudalka fighting somebody. The problem with descriptions is that the smoke has filled the bridge and won't clear that quickly. Also there are no lights, except for a few blue power-on lights.

I imagine that it is twice as large as a suburban dining room, with consoles set into the walls of the room.

Logically, there are hostages here, likely including the captain. The boarders probably outnumber the loyal crew.

Somebody swings something at you.
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Last edited by DangerousThing; 01-17-2025 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 01-17-2025, 12:47 PM   #128
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
So Marc, three others, DeLoach, and Leeonith, against whatever forces they have? a little smaller than I hoped. But you do battle with the army you've got.
And with the information you have.

How is the breach from the ore carrier? is it still leaking?
Since you're still breathing, the breach isn't a problem for now. They've sealed bulkheads

And there are traitors, which makes things complicated.
Marc asks, "Why? They've marked themselves with gold and purple."

"Surely it matters? Their goals and plans and motives are key to knowing how best to approach them."
"The judges and advocates who will try this case afterwards will argue about the motives,

"Then you answer the question. Who are they? You've already said there are traitors, which means knowing the motives helps identify who is more or less suspect. I'm an engineer trying to make sure the ship I'm traveling on doesn't fall into the hands of violent criminals."
"If they mark themselves by obviously siding with the raiders, they will face the same penalty. And if they die, they won't have to worry about the advocates. Pirates will get the death penalty."

Are there any spots on the ship where they might have secreted useful tools? A maintenance room perhaps?
I don't think thet hide engineer's tools in secret. There are some "janitors" closets which might have some simple tools. You net a basic toolkit that a handyman might use. Large wrenches screwdrivers, A few things you're wondering what they are.
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Last edited by DangerousThing; 01-18-2025 at 09:57 AM.
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Old 01-18-2025, 09:12 AM   #129
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
It feels like a larger area, but not quite as large as the Star Trek bridges. There are several people here. You can hear Coudalka fighting somebody. The problem with descriptions is that the smoke has filled the bridge and won't clear that quickly. Also there are no lights, except for a few blue power-on lights.

I imagine that it is twice as large as a suburban dining room, with consoles set into the walls of the room.

Logically, there are hostages here, likely including the captain. The boarders probably outnumber the loyal crew.

Somebody swings something at you.

What are the vision penalties for the environment? I'll need that if I fail a blindfighting roll.

Was Xian able to climb through with his weapons in hand, or do they have to be re-drawn?
How many people are there in here? How many are armed? Is there a group gathered together (Generally what happens with hostages)? Their deployment should tell some story.

Xi'an Has no penalty to the defense, from the blindfighting skill roll.
He does a sidestep retreat to move around the attacker (+3 Retreat, -2 Sidestep) and will riposte at -4 (for a -2 to their parry with that arm next turn), for an effective parry of 12. Rolled a 7 - Success!

How far away is the person speaking?

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 01-18-2025 at 10:11 AM. Reason: Updatd incorrect effective parry
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Old 01-18-2025, 10:15 AM   #130
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Default Re: [IC] Enter the Imperium

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
What are the vision penalties for the environment? I'll need that if I fail a blindfighting roll.
-9. You need special lenses to see through this. The ventilation is on so it should clear up in several rounds (2d) with gradually increasing vision.

Was Xian able to climb through with his weapons in hand, or do they have to be re-drawn?
If Coudalka could bring herself and a 7' long rifle I assume that you with your puny swords can gen also get in. :)

How many people are there in here? How many are armed? Is there a group gathered together (Generally what happens with hostages)? Their deployment should tell some story.
There are three people around the edges, C is fighting someone who has a very heavy step. Behind him are three people close together.

You feel that you were attacked with a cudgle of sorts. Blind fighting is using your senses, not sight. If everybody would just stand still, maybe you could get further information.

Xi'an Has no penalty to the defense, from the blindfighting skill roll.
He does a sidestep retreat to move around the attacker (+3 Retreat, -2 Sidestep) and will riposte at -4 (for a -2 to their parry with that arm next turn), for an effective parry of 14. Rolled a 7 - Success!
How far away is the person speaking?
About a four meters. C is between you and him, not to mention your repostee. Everybody else is standing still.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
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