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Old 01-11-2025, 10:11 AM   #11
Doctor of GURPS Ballistics
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Default Re: OK I've grappled my enemy - now what?

Originally Posted by jcpatten View Post
I have more understanding, but I'd like to run through a scenario.

Wrestler has acquired the grapple against the golem and has the 11 CP. "Kiss the Wall" example to slam them into floor mentions opponent takes their thr-2 damage, plus additional damage from wrestler's per die CP bonus, plus can spend 3 CP per die to increase the damage.

Golem's ST is 13, so thr = 1d. So golem gets 1d-2 damage, plus 2 points from the per die CP bonus, plus 3d from spending the CP. Is that correct?

Does the Golem's DR count in this example? I'm guessing it does not.

So the golem can get anywhere between 5 (0+2+(1x3)) to 24 (4+2+(6x3) points of damage?

I'd have just looked at this as thr-2 (1d-2), +2 for your skill bonis is 1d, and then you spend 9 CP for 3d additional, for 4d.

That should be 4-24 base damage. Since this is collision damage, the golem's DR would probably apply ... but personally I'd treat this akin to Falling Damage (Exploits, p. 67) and use the rule for "Wear a Crash Helmet!" which means there's some basic damage that sneaks through.
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Old 01-13-2025, 04:51 PM   #12
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: OK I've grappled my enemy - now what?

One more question - Wrestling Master states that for every level of skill above DX you get a +1 to effective ST. Does this count towards the Lifting ST Control Point Limit?

So if I have DX 15, Lifting ST 5, Wrestling Master, and Wrestling at DX +5, my effective ST is 25. Is my Control Maximum 20 or 25?
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Old 01-17-2025, 08:29 AM   #13
Doctor of GURPS Ballistics
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Default Re: OK I've grappled my enemy - now what?

Originally Posted by jcpatten View Post
One more question - Wrestling Master states that for every level of skill above DX you get a +1 to effective ST. Does this count towards the Lifting ST Control Point Limit?

So if I have DX 15, Lifting ST 5, Wrestling Master, and Wrestling at DX +5, my effective ST is 25. Is my Control Maximum 20 or 25?
Effective ST is ST for all purposes.

I think what you have stated above is:

ST 15
DX 15
Wrestling-20 (DX+5)
Lifting ST 5
Wrestling Master

Effective ST 25 for Wrestling due to WM and Lifting ST, gives Control Maximum 25.

It's not supposed to be tricksome. If you have ST from a source that counts for grappling, it counts for Control Maximum.

Wrestilng Master says "you've got so much skill that you can apply more control than your physical power would indicate due to effective application of that strength." It's absolutely double dipping on "and your skill helps you apply grappling techniques (the DX-based stuff) as well."

Lifting ST is just "you're stronger, but not in a twitch way like punching...but that's what counts for grappling in these rules."

So they stack. It's very possible (and awfully fun) to "abuse" the rules to deal out massive control danage and therefore injury on a sequence of turns.

...and it's STILL not quite as effective as a Weapon Master Knight doing swing cutting damage 2-3 times per turn with a two-handed weapon. We looked pretty deeply at the balance of forces, as it were, and we didn't feel in play that the cheese factor was any more exploitative than others.

What this build lets you do is lock down any ONE enemy not built to counter-grapple. If that enemy has brought friends, or has an aura, or is diffuse...the grappler is out of luck.
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