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Old 02-22-2022, 07:11 AM   #11
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Well I'd probably be more inclined to ask if it was piecework before day. I guess I don't have any choice but to accept his terms.

I'll ask what his name is and what the rock is called.
You always have a choice.... regardless of how poor it is!

The recruiter's name is "Kapatas". The stone is called "Vasic".

I guess this is the raw rock and not the worked and polished material? Is it smooth or rough? Is there any patterning on it?
Its the raw rock, sharp and chipped.

Kapatas is wearing some around his neck, but this is a smooth polished disk, with a set of geometrically engraved markings. Its set in a fitting, not pierced.

Well, I don't actually know and I rather not say if I did, so I guess I'll lie a little. I'll gesture that they're dead. That usually shuts down most conversations about the topic.
The man makes a brief gesture of something between understanding and apology (a half bow with hands parting slightly), and seems to be satisfied.

He walks Julian down the hall a little more, and then opens a door. There is a mining operation of sorts. The door is on the other side of the hall from almost everything else, and immediately descends down into a large wooden chamber. A passage on the ground level is large enough for carts of earth standing around to be wheeled eight ladders lead up into holes in the cliff face. Men are passing buckets of earth slowly out of the holes.

Julian is pointed to someone else named "Kapatas". A very short, very wide bald fellow with a huge beard, nose, and brow. They exchanged words breifly, and then the new kapatas gives instructions. Which seem to be go up a hole, take two lefts and one right, and bring back rock others chip away. He's then handed one of the glowing stones with the "divot" in it.
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Old 02-22-2022, 10:10 AM   #12
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You always have a choice.... regardless of how poor it
Well I suppose Julian has written off heading into the vegetation tunnel as worse (no outdoorsy skills), up seems dangerous for little gain, and down seems more so.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The recruiter's name is "Kapatas". The stone is called "Vasic".

Its the raw rock, sharp and chipped.

Kapatas is wearing some around his neck, but this is a smooth polished disk, with a set of geometrically engraved markings. Its set in a fitting, not pierced.
I'd ask what it's for but if I can't get the concept of day done in a short time, then I probably won't get "what does Vasic do" either.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The man makes a brief gesture of something between understanding and apology (a half bow with hands parting slightly), and seems to be satisfied.

He walks Julian down the hall a little more, and then opens a door. There is a mining operation of sorts. The door is on the other side of the hall from almost everything else, and immediately descends down into a large wooden chamber. A passage on the ground level is large enough for carts of earth standing around to be wheeled eight ladders lead up into holes in the cliff face. Men are passing buckets of earth slowly out of the holes.
Wheeled through I suppose?

Any indication as to what they're doing with all this dirt? Dumping it on some poor sod on below the clouds maybe?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Julian is pointed to someone else named "Kapatas". A very short, very wide bald fellow with a huge beard, nose, and brow. They exchanged words breifly, and then the new kapatas gives instructions. Which seem to be go up a hole, take two lefts and one right, and bring back rock others chip away.
Well either Kapatas is a title or these people are really efficient. I don't suppose I was given a container to help carry the rocks back with. I guess these are much larger rocks? Well I'll head into the tunnel and look for a rock to carry back.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He's then handed one of the glowing stones with the "divot" in it.
Well, I'll give it a closer look/feel. How is it shaped? Is it rough or smooth? Does light always project in the same direction or can I direct it like a flashlight? Is there any waste heat/sound etc.

Last edited by TGLS; 02-22-2022 at 03:26 PM.
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Old 02-23-2022, 11:19 AM   #13
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Wheeled through I suppose?
I'm missing a period there. The dirt is moved in buckets and baskets down the ladders into the carts. The carts are then wheeled through the passage to... somewhere.

Any indication as to what they're doing with all this dirt? Dumping it on some poor sod on below the clouds maybe?
Well, the black rock is being collected in a pile. An effort is being made to sort it by size. Julian isn't sure if they're dumping it into the clouds or moving it elsewhere. They don't seem to want it much though. And its as much rock as dirt.

Well either Kapatas is a title or these people are really efficient. I don't suppose I was given a container to help carry the rocks back with. I guess these are much larger rocks? Well I'll head into the tunnel and look for a rock to carry back.
Julian is moved up the tunnel, where men are passing the baskets and buckets back, and moving them forward as well. As he passes, the men are yelling something, repeating it. Then he's pushed into a tiny narrow tunnel on the side: too small for a man to be comfortable, but he fits.

He crawls on his hands and knees, and then sees a kid coming down the tunnel towards him backwards. The kid pushes a basket of earth behind him, and then turns and goes the other way.

Well, I'll give it a closer look/feel. How is it shaped? Is it rough or smooth? Does light always project in the same direction or can I direct it like a flashlight? Is there any waste heat/sound etc.
The stone is shaped like a convex lens, and is just a smooth, but is about 2 inches across. The light comes from the surface of the stone, and can be turned like a flashlight. The surface feels cool to the touch, but the light itself feels warm, like sunlight on a summer day.

OCC: where is the panic attacks disadvantage from? what does it do?
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Old 02-23-2022, 03:19 PM   #14
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
And its as much rock as dirt.
Other kinds of rock?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Julian is moved up the tunnel, where men are passing the baskets and buckets back, and moving them forward as well. As he passes, the men are yelling something, repeating it. Then he's pushed into a tiny narrow tunnel on the side: too small for a man to be comfortable, but he fits..
I wonder how they made such a narrow tunnel. Or better yet, why?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He crawls on his hands and knees, and then sees a kid coming down the tunnel towards him backwards. The kid pushes a basket of earth behind him, and then turns and goes the other way..
I suppose they want me to drag the baskets back and forth.

So with glowy stone in one hand, book in the other, I'm pushing along a basket full of rocks and dirt. For what might be a pittance. Hopefully I get to stop before I collapse from exhaustion.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The stone is shaped like a convex lens, and is just as smooth, but is about 2 inches across. The light comes from the surface of the stone, and can be turned like a flashlight. The surface feels cool to the touch, but the light itself feels warm, like sunlight on a summer day.
This is amazing; I've never seen anything like this before. I'll try to avoid the compulsion to play around with this flashlight stone any more than I already have.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
OCC: where is the panic attacks disadvantage from? what does it do?
Horror 26-27. In short, in a stressful situation (Examples: hyperventilating [intense physical exercise, including combat], failing fright checks or making them exactly, starvation, etc.), roll 3d6. On a 6 or less, -2 to attribute and skill rolls & -4 to active defenses for 2d6 seconds.
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Old 02-24-2022, 01:29 PM   #15
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Other kinds of rock?
For the most part, yes. Its mostly a soft (ish) limestone and associated grit with it. Its pretty wet. Chunks of the black stone come back occasionally as well.

I suppose they want me to drag the baskets back and forth.

So with glowy stone in one hand, book in the other, I'm pushing along a basket full of rocks and dirt. For what might be a pittance. Hopefully I get to stop before I collapse from exhaustion.
The work is hard, and Julian quickly wishes he had more protective clothing. Its hard to keep track of time... though maybe if he counts the baskets, as they show up regularly. After who knows how long, he's passed a basket full of more glowing stones from behind.

This is amazing; I've never seen anything like this before. I'll try to avoid the compulsion to play around with this flashlight stone any more than I already have.
He's doing dreary work in a hole with almost nothing else in there with him... good luck.

Horror 26-27. In short, in a stressful situation (Examples: hyperventilating [intense physical exercise, including combat], failing fright checks or making them exactly, starvation, etc.), roll 3d6. On a 6 or less, -2 to attribute and skill rolls & -4 to active defenses for 2d6 seconds.
thank you. checking to see if claustrophobia is a concern.
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Old 02-24-2022, 02:18 PM   #16
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He's doing dreary work in a hole with almost nothing else in there with him... good luck.
True enough. Not much to do with a glowing rock though. Can't take it apart; that'd be a pretty bad idea anyway. Could make shadow puppets. Or look around the edges of the tunnel if there's anything carved into the stone. Pretend it's a laser gun. OK, maybe there's more ways to have fun with a glowing rock than I thought.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The work is hard, and Julian quickly wishes he had more protective clothing.
Knee-pads at least! Hopefully I haven't cut myself.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
After who knows how long, he's passed a basket full of more glowing stones from behind.
From deeper into the tunnel or from the entrance of the tunnel? If from deeper:
I guess that makes quitting time; I add my glowing stone to the basket and push the basket the rest of the way out. Once I get out I'll adjust myself (vine probably doesn't stay in place too well and follow the next person who leaves the narrow tunnel.

If from the entrance:
I guess these rocks eventually lose power... I'll take a replacement, push the basket up, and compare to see if there's any difference between their lighting.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
thank you. checking to see if claustrophobia is a concern.
Well claustrophobia's not on the sheet or in the backstory. Public humiliation, beatings, tubes down the throat? Yup. Not tight spaces.
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Old 02-25-2022, 11:36 AM   #17
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
True enough. Not much to do with a glowing rock though. Can't take it apart; that'd be a pretty bad idea anyway. Could make shadow puppets. Or look around the edges of the tunnel if there's anything carved into the stone. Pretend it's a laser gun. OK, maybe there's more ways to have fun with a glowing rock than I thought.
Yeah, there's a lot to do!

Knee-pads at least! Hopefully I haven't cut myself.
No bleeding, but lots of abrasions and bruises.
If from the entrance:
I guess these rocks eventually lose power... I'll take a replacement, push the basket up, and compare to see if there's any difference between their lighting.
There is no difference in the lighting. In fact, the size seems similar. The basket comes back, and Julian places his old stone in it, and goes back to pushing rocks.

From deeper into the tunnel or from the entrance of the tunnel? If from deeper:
I guess that makes quitting time; I add my glowing stone to the basket and push the basket the rest of the way out. Once I get out I'll adjust myself (vine probably doesn't stay in place too well and follow the next person who leaves the narrow tunnel.
It does eventually become time to leave, but the signal is not a basket, but a boy backing up and kicking at Julian while shouting "palabas! palabas!".

Julian pulls out of the tunnel, and watches the other boys come out as well. The last boy to come out is a man, but a very short man with a miner's pick, much like the "Kapatas" who gave him instructions... and now gives him what he assumes is his "pittance"... four metal coins, made of what he thinks might be copper.
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Old 02-25-2022, 04:06 PM   #18
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
No bleeding, but lots of abrasions and bruises.
I gotta get a pair of pants.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There is no difference in the lighting. In fact, the size seems similar. The basket comes back, and Julian places his old stone in it, and goes back to pushing rocks.
No difference in the appearance of any of the other stones in the basket on the way back?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
It does eventually become time to leave, but the signal is not a basket, but a boy backing up and kicking at Julian while shouting "palabas! palabas!".
I guess Palabas means "go", or "move" or something.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Julian pulls out of the tunnel, and watches the other boys come out as well. The last boy to come out is a man, but a very short man with a miner's pick, much like the "Kapatas" who gave him instructions... and now gives him what he assumes is his "pittance"... four metal coins, made of what he thinks might be copper.
Well hopefully I can buy dinner for one of these and pants for the rest. I'll head back to the market area, and try to buy food and clothes, in that order.
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Old 02-28-2022, 09:27 AM   #19
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
No difference in the appearance of any of the other stones in the basket on the way back?
They all look very much the same. Some are slightly larger, smaller, flatter, or slightly off a perfect circle, but the light coming from them is all identical in strength and behavior.

Well hopefully I can buy dinner for one of these and pants for the rest. I'll head back to the market area, and try to buy food and clothes, in that order.
The market he got work at has just one man selling food... what appears to be savory vegetables wrapped in dough. The man asks a coin for a single wrap. There aren't many vendors here... certainly no one selling pants...
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Old 02-28-2022, 10:58 AM   #20
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
They all look very much the same. Some are slightly larger, smaller, flatter, or slightly off a perfect circle, but the light coming from them is all identical in strength and behavior.
I guess it's in case you lose one... I dunno otherwise.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The market he got work at has just one man selling food... what appears to be savory vegetables wrapped in dough. The man asks a coin for a single wrap. There aren't many vendors here... certainly no one selling pants...
Well I'll buy one and if it isn't too busy I'll ask if he knows where he can buy clothes (like by miming out putting on pants and pointing at the money.) I'll start eating pretty much immediately after the wrap gets into my hands. It's been so long since I've had warm food...
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