Originally Posted by Gold & Appel Inc
That sounds good for the species template, sure. I'd still do that even if people know they're sapient, if they're willing to eat them anyway. It could be an advantage of a Banana PC over a Muffin PC in an office setting for example.
Okay, that last sentence is pretty funny...
Originally Posted by Gold & Appel Inc
If two sapient muffins were trying to persuade me to take opposing courses of action, I honestly had no opinion on the matter, and all else was equal, I'd listen to the yummy fresh-smelling muffin over the stale one.
but the above is
hilarious. I'm chuckling out loud as I type this, imagining G&AI with a fresh, yummy muffin suggesting virtuous behavior and a stale, manky muffin advocating vice and evil. It's a funny old world that occasionally demands that we consider what qualities we would find persuasive in muffins.
But yes; almost immediately after I wrote the post about a Feature, I decided you were right, and that individual, as opposed to species, tastiness should be represented by Appearance.