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Old 11-03-2014, 05:50 PM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2012
Default Re: Penalty for for having to shoot down a tube?

Originally Posted by Agemegos View Post
The rules are that you mustn't hit the sides. That means the bullet has to be completely within the circle at both ends. Not just centred within the circle.
And what I'm wondering (it's not the shooting down the tube one) is if the entire bullet is already assumed to be in the circle by just scoring a hit, if there's a penalty to getting it entirely within the target, but it does not count against the 22+2x Acc limit, if it's a penalty that does count against the 22+2x Acc limit, or if the penalty is the size modifier of the difference between bullet size and target size. I'm hoping for the first one, would be happy with the second one, and hoping it's not the last two.

(The 22+2x Acc limit is from Tactical Shooting, and says that's the upper limit on the accuracy of the weapon, and that range and target size penalties, counted against that level can never be improved by aiming or anything else.)
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