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Old 06-16-2021, 12:34 PM   #236
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ronkonkoma, NY
Default Re: Independent Income at later TL stages

Originally Posted by Stormcrow View Post
There is no such advantage as "Doesn't Have to Work." Independent Income is not the "doesn't have to work" advantage. Independent Income is the "extra cash without needing a job to get it" advantage. I think this is at the heart of your difficulty with this. The point of Independent Income is not to support your Cost of Living in place of a job; the point is just to have a source of income other than a job. What you do with that extra income is up to you. How that extra income compares with your Cost of Living is irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
The latter is what Independent Income is, the former is what it should be.
No it shouldn't, because GURPS IS NOT A SIMULATOR. It's not trying to model the economic forces behind personal income. It's just giving you some sliders that let you earn more or less money, and some more sliders that determine what happens when you have more or less money. And the main purposes of all these rules are to see if you can buy stuff and to see how you interact with people. The pretend money is just a means to an end. The character points are just a means to an end.

The wealth and money rules are there to service YOU, not the other way around. They're not there to tell you what happens; they're there so you can choose what happens. They are set up to reflect, in a simple but relatively accurate way, the fact that higher-TL societies have more "stuff" available in them than lower-TL societies. The system WORKS. The system is playable.

This is the point at which someone can say, "I don't like how it works, so I'm going to change it." And that's fine. You do what you want in your game. But an incorrect statement is "The rules don't work" or "The rules don't make sense." They do work; they do make sense. You just don't like them, because you want the rules to handle money the same way you handle money in real life, but they don't.
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