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Old 03-13-2019, 08:06 AM   #399
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Antarctic Space Nazis Across the Multiverse

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
The ASNs could theoretically do that, but given that the true nature of the Kadavergehorsamer is a state secret* and the exact ASN relationship with the Cold Ones is a secret** confined to the inner circles of the SS, it isn't as if there are many people who could benefit from this.

And, yes, even senior SS occultists would quite likely be creeped out at the thought of eating something that had been caressed by the icy tendrils of the Lords of the Last Waste. After all, they don't just drain temperature or energy, they drain hope, potentiality and quite possibly a host of other intangibles.

*Albeit a badly kept one.
**Far better kept.
If in desperation any ever had to make use of this, hopefully that just means the Cold Ones drain the food of its flavor, rather than imparting a Flavor Man Was Not Meant to Know.

How about industrial/military uses of keeping things cold? Certainly there's a lot of modern tech that would benefit from what amounts to magic to keep things cold, but I'm not certain what all WWII-era (and lower) tech would benefit. I assume heat engines would, as those usually get more efficient the colder the cold reservoir is. Come to think of it, if I'm not mistaken simply having a heat differential can be used to make a heat engine, so if the Cold Ones can actively drain heat from the environment, the ASN's might be able to leverage this into making low-energy perpetual motion engines. As for military uses, if Kadavergehorsamer gunners never need to worry about their MG's overheating, that would be useful in a pitched battle. It's not so useful for the sorts of fights they get in these days, but it also means when they do need something that is rapid-fire, it can be designed to shoot faster - and longer - than historical weapons, while being lighter due to less need for heat dissipation concerns. Kadavergehorsamer may be able to man something with RoF comparable to a minigun, but without any need for a complicated rotating barrel scheme. This could be of use against agile flyers, although the rate at which it ate through ammunition could be problematic.
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 03-13-2019 at 08:20 AM.
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