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Old 01-19-2021, 05:49 PM   #42
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Oz
Default Re: Scope and format of world data sheets in SF

One of the people who gives me substantial feedback on the draft is pressing me to adopt a consistent use of units in the tabbed data at the beginning of those world-description entries. And no-body else is pushing back.

Doing that would involve deleting the figures for diameter, gravity, and year length in D♁, g♁, and a♁, giving barometric pressure and partial pressure of oxygen in kPa instead of bar, and giving illuminance in klx instead of a percentage of Earth’s. Then I would have to teach in the key that Earth’s diameter is 12 742 km, its gravity 9.8 m/s², its atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa, its ppO₂ 21 kPa (and the breathable limits about 11 kPa to 40 kPa), and its solar illuminance at the top of the atmosphere 128 klx.

How much squeaking would that elicit from players used to US customary units and to operating SCUBA gear in bar?

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