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Old 11-19-2022, 06:32 AM   #36
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saint Paul, MN
Default Re: Points per each Game Session? What is average or normal?

Originally Posted by RGTraynor View Post
But in that case, why bother with details of XP awards at all? Just hand out 3 pts to everyone, each and every adventure. Whether the players show up or not. (After all, why "punish" players who miss sessions?)
After decades of trying various different XP systems in my GURPS games, I've settled on exactly that. My last campaign earned usually three points per session. Sometimes a session might be worth more if it was longer or if the players completed a major story arc or someone played brilliantly. For each session I noted the point value of the campaign. We started at 250 and ended at 430ish. If a PC died or a new player joined, they created a character at the point level of the campaign. The players are all great role-players and responsible adults who attempt to show up for every session. When life gets in the way, they miss out on the fun, but their character keeps up with the rest of the group.

This isn't about worrying about hurt feelings or point disparities. (At these point levels, a few dozen points either way still feels balanced.) It just simplifies the bookkeeping and keeps the focus on the fun stuff.
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