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Old 11-18-2022, 08:07 AM   #21
GURPS Line Editor
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Default Re: Points per each Game Session? What is average or normal?

Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post

Some of my players are, quite frankly, better role-players than others. But, when they show up, everybody pitches in as best they can.
That's the important part.

I regard a gaming group as a team. If it were a sports team, it isn't as if non-MVPs would be left out of the celebration of a championship win. If it were a project team promised a bonus for early delivery or a sales milestone, it isn't as if non-MVPs would be denied benefits if the team hit the goal.

Yes, Type A overachievers and self-promoters love to grouse about having to "carry" the team. I can ignore that because it isn't directed at me. Whereas I can't ignore than the gamer equivalent of lawyers showing up to demand why I, the employer, showed favoritism. ;)

Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post

At this late point in the campaign, I do have some wide point disparities between characters. However, that's because some players have missed fewer sessions than others.
That's a whole other matter. I don't award points to absentees. Belaboring my analogy to the breaking point: If the lawyers showed up and I could demonstrate that the team member had lousy attendance, I think the discussion would end right there. That's fine; it's an airtight justification for not paying someone, whatever form that pay would take.

To be clear, I'm not a "participation trophy" kind of guy. I think that's silly. But RPGs aren't a competition, so there are no losers to receive participation trophies. RPGs are cooperative and collaborative.

I think MVP trophies have their place, but I handle that through opportunity, not payment: Those who play well get to spend their points on a wider range of stuff than those who do not, because they were implicated in more things that could justify interesting improvements. Generally, in a group where all are equally good about showing up, everybody has about the same point total but the better roleplayers have more of their points in A-list options.

Consider a military game. Everybody can improve Guns or Soldier, justify better ST or HT, or add Combat Reflexes or Fit if they lack it . . . I won't deny that to anyone. Only engaged players are likely to convince me that they should have more Rank, or Reputations that reflect decorations or honors. And that stuff will matter, because as GM, I have no problem enforcing, "I don't care that you're a good shot! The Captain is in charge, and you'll do what the Captain says or face military justice, and if you decide to use your shooting skills to avoid that, you'll meet the MPs and be dragged in front of the JAG."
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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