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Old 02-27-2021, 04:39 PM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2021
Default Re: Request for Feedback on Warhammer 40,000 Handbook

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
The Rank and Status system is really off. The Imperium of Man is a macrosociety, so Rank should range from 0 to 12. Beam weapons are radically different than conventional firearms, so they should not be part of the same skill.
The rank system is currently only partially complete. Currently, the mapping between ranks is missing. However, the Imperium does not have cohesive ranks, and does not function as a macrosociety. Each Adeptus has it's own ranking structure, which may or may not interact with the ranking structure of another Adeptus.

I am not clear on what your issue with Status is.

Please provide what you would see 0-12 ranks as in a unified Imperium, and provide what advantage you would see over having a unified ranking system over having split ranks per Adeptus with mapping. Thank you.

EDIT TO YOUR EDIT: Please see last paragraph of post above yours for reference for las weapons. They quack like guns.

For reference: "As per the lasgun, it acts as a Gun because it, for all purposes, a Gun (with the slight exception of bullet drop); a person with Guns who picked up a lasgun would be able to use it with familiarity penalties, not as a default. Beam weapons is reserved for weaponry that has significant differences from Guns, such as the meltagun."
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