Thread: Where the pike?
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Old 09-21-2007, 12:12 PM   #12
GURPS Line Editor
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Default Re: Where the pike?

What the other guys said. A pike isn't a melee weapon in the conventional Basic Set or Martial Arts sense. At its heart it's more akin to caltrops, a tank obstacle, or razor wire, in that it's a defense used to impede mobility through a controlled area; it just happens to be more portable. The bulk of the killing is then done by other weapons -- in this case, bills, halberds, bows, crossbows, muskets, etc. The fact that some chap is holding onto the far end makes it look melee-weapon-ish, but use is closer to something like Explosives, Poisons, or Traps in nature, in that it's all about effective deployment, not parry, feint, and thrust.

In game terms, have a formation of soldiers roll against the higher of average Spear or average DX-based Soldier (at TL2-4), with either taking a -2 for unfamiliarity if they've never used pikes. Success means the pike formation holds up. As an individual combat weapon, it would be about a Reach 6 spear that can't parry, feint, resist feints, or disarm; that takes many turns to Ready after each attack; and that can only attack at all if the user took a Wait in order to Stop Thust, although you could generously allow a user to poke with it like a spear at about Spear-6 if he's just standing there.

The place for such rules is squarely in some putative Mass Combat book, though, and not Martial Arts. I think a martial-arts historian could make a good case for pike warfare only be a "martial art" inasmuch as artillery gunnery and logistics are "martial arts."
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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