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Old 03-20-2021, 10:25 PM   #23
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Boston area
Default Re: Aid Spell, Damage, and Fatigue

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
Well, that would make it even simpler.

I like the reading/reasoning that goes:

ITL p. 9:

As long as they're "just barely dead" / dying, and so lying there doing nothing, I like to count that as rest for such people who have fatigue. I think it's reasonable and interesting that such figures may wake up on their own after the fatigue wears off.

I think it fits really well with the very common pre-Legacy house rule that fatigue doesn't kill people, in which case it plays exactly like it used to (unless you rule you only have one hour to get back to 0+ ST).

But it is simpler and certainly another at-least-as-valid reading that "just barely dead" / dying figures don't recover fatigue.
The thing I don't like about that house rule is that wizards are a lot less fragile so long as they're on the winning side. There's not much reason to worry about casting spells and draining ST.

If I start with 7 ST and use up 5 ST casting spells, I'll be fine if I'm hit for 1d or less damage. I'll get knocked out, but in the heat of the battle, who pauses to kill a knocked out character? Just so long as I'm not hit for 8 damage, I'll wake up.
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