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Old 07-11-2016, 12:36 PM   #19
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Default Re: [Spaceships] Hull size of Falcon...

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
Those is true of the "official" numbers people are using for linear measurement. Those come of the same deckplans.

So there are no numbers based in "reality".
No, linear measurements of the vessels came from referencing movie assets and their real world scales.

Things like cargo space, cost, G's of thrust, toughness of armor, etc were all just thought up based on apocryphal data. For example, speeds of vessels were often extrapolated by authors of various sources by timing the speed of a ship moving across the frame in the movie. But such measurements almost invariably fail to take into account things like frame rate, focal length, and post production fiddling. In fact, a LOT of reference points for all of that other data was based on the verifiable physical size of the vessels. So it is the reference point.

When it comes to Star Wars vessels, there is only one verifiable measurement: size. Even that has been fudged from time to time when authors eye-balled size, but the fact that such errors were eventually corrected by referencing the movie assets is proof that it is the only real quantifiable factor.

Privileging the linear measurements isn't all that reasonable. Spaceships however _is_ a mass-based system. Maas numbers (eve if they are estimates) should always be used before linear measurements.
After size, all other comparisons are moot because the data is either in no way veritably defined in the front end, or impossible to achieve within the system. Even if such canonical data is "true," it would be impossible to get, say, the 3,500 Gs of thrust (as expressed for many ships in many of those "official" sources) in GURPS Spaceships.

Tl;dr: Discussions of whether GURPS Spaceships uses mass or linear measurements are ultimately pointless because the mass can simply be the result of the linear reference as expressed in the GURPS system. The results will not interfere with any other established data because the established data is fundamentally flawed.
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