Thread: On being Feared
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Old 09-16-2018, 11:07 PM   #6
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Default Re: On being Feared

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
I would say that hirelings should only be treated as involuntary if the Feared person is actually shortchanging them on their pay or otherwise taking advantage of them (...)
The thing here is that (as far as I understand) NPC's reaction rolls towards the PC with "Social Regard, Feared" are always modified to become an "intimidation roll"; so they are "automatic influence rolls".

And influence rolls are deliberate.

Then, if the roll is good, it will be a good initimidation roll. And if it is bad, it will be a bad intimidation roll. Which is independent of being good to an NPC or not... and at least the first impression will be something like "this guy is going to do something really bad to me if I don't help him!" (good roll) or "this guy believes I am impressed by his ridiculuous "god of death" attire, but he won't have his way..." (bad roll).

If this necromancer wants reaction rolls different than "being feared" (i.e. using diplomacy), then he might have to start (always) from "Second Reaction Rolls". And IMO have at least 3 modifiers: (1) the result from the "automatic reaction/influence roll" accordingly to the reaction table, (2) the modifiers for starting from a secondary reaction roll and (3) the innapropiate "circumstancial effect" of asking for henchmen/help/allies while "being a feared creature (using intimidation in the first place, albeit automatic)".


Why did you buy "being feared" if you want to play from a "neutral possition" when convincing people?

- Hide

Last edited by Hide; 09-16-2018 at 11:35 PM.
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