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Old 02-12-2021, 10:26 PM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: TFT Life History Character Generation

Hmm. A base (human) 32 point character starts with 8 in every stat and eight points to distribute. So a four step lifepath could go something like:

Character starts with ST 8, DX 8, IQ 8 and no Talents.

Each step on the life path grants +2 to attributes and 2 Talent slots, plus an additional Talent slot for every +1 IQ taken.

Characters wanting to be wizards must start with the Wizard's Apprentice step.

So Wizard's apprentice might go:

+1 DX, +1 IQ
Talent: Literacy
Spell: Aid and any other IQ 8 or 9 spell
Special: Character is now treated as a wizard and pays double for most Talents.

The assumption is every apprentice is expected to be literate and be able to cast an Aid spell, the latter requiring an IQ of 9.

Possibly allow swapping out spells as the wizard improves in IQ (e.g., drop Magic Fist for Fireball.)

For Heroes, each step might look something like this:


The barbarian develops abilities reflecting an active outdoor lifestyle, a carefree approach to interpersonal relationships and a placid acceptance of violence as part of the adventuring life.

+1 to DX if under 10, +1 to ST if under 10, otherwise add to Attributes as desired.


IQ 7: Ax/Mace (2), Bow (2), Brawling (1), Carousing (1), Shield (1), Sword (2)
IQ 8: Horsemanship (1), Sex Appeal (1)
IQ 9: Acute Hearing (2), Alertness (2), Animal Handler (2), Silent Movement (2), Toughness (2)
IQ 11: Expert Horsemanship (2)
IQ 12: Stealth (2)

Obviously, more Talents could be added.
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