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Old 09-08-2010, 06:22 PM   #5
Ze'Manel Cunha
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Default Re: [Powers] Shapeshifting Others

Originally Posted by Isdariel2 View Post
I'm not really sure which duration you want to extend.
*The Affliction grants the Advantage for a limited duration and that's alright. I just want the user of the Affliction to be able to break it earlier (which lexington already covered, thanks!).
*The Shapeshifting Advantage itself has no duration, but is switchable instead. How Extended Duration would work on that one is beyond me.
The enhancement is on the Affliction.

If you Afflict someone into a Frog, they're stuck as a frog until the time runs out on the Affliction, depending on how well they resisted.

If you give them the power of having an AF as a Frog, they can turn back and forth between human and frog like any other shapeshifter until the time runs out of the affliction, depending on how well they resisted.

If your affliction has Permanent +150% on it, and you Afflict them into a frog, they stay a frog until the break condition occurs, kissed by a prince/princess, etc., or the afflictor breaks the effect.
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