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Old 10-02-2019, 08:20 PM   #15
Dalillama's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Default Re: How to portray shunning?

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
I've occasionally considered letting characters take a -5 point Code of Honor (decent person), or conversely compelling characters that don't conform to community standards to buy a Sociopath advantage, docking them their next few earned xp to pay for it when they start displaying this disregard for social norms, and there is a case to be made for that, but RAW GURPS doesn't usually charge you for conforming to some cultural norm or not.
Even people without any such code of honour, or Honesty, will usually behave in a law-abiding manner because it's convenient to do so. Indeed, lacking any disadvantages causing them to be antisocial, they might always act in a lawful and normative way. Lacking a moral compunction against theft doesn't mean you're going to go around stealing things you could perfectly well afford to buy. Not feeling bad about killing people doesn't mean you're going to murder everyone who annoys you, because murderous rage isn't a normal response to casual annoyance. Etc. If someone doesn't have any specifically antisocial desires, mere lack of moral or ethical compunction won't cause them to act badly absent some particular provocation or stimulus.
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