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Old 08-11-2020, 01:48 PM   #39
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Blind Teleport into a Wall

Kuroko Shirai from "A Certain Scientific Railgun" can teleport anything she is touching into solid objects (if she chooses). She has used it to sever load bearing reinforced concrete pillars to bring down a building (using glass windows that reoriented from vertical to horizontal no less).

She explains it in universe as simply displacing whatever is where she is going to the side. Another teleporter in the universe isn't quite as good at that, and has lost their skin accidentally teleporting into an object, but Shirai doesn't appear to have that limitation. They have never showed her teleporting just a part of another person, but she has threatened it multiple times and seems to believe she COULD. She's also 13, and maybe the authors don't want to show a 13 year old dismember a human being in gory fashion.

So a Warp + build that can do that is actually interesting for building her in GURPS. Seems like this is a linked Cutting / Impaling attack, cosmic ignores DR, ranged the same as her Warp (she is fairly short ranged, for what that is worth) and a bucket of dice.

Im borrowing the Cutting / Impaling attack idea from Innerportation from GURPS Psionic Powers, which is an attack meant to describe teleporting a chunk of your enemy away.

I don't know that it is strictly necessary for this "displacement" attack to destroy the moved mass in game terms. In practice, the moved mass is still there, just somewhere else (covered by Warp), and the damage done is to the remaining mass/structure, so some estimate of how much damage moving a statues worth of material out of something is probably more accurate. If harder perhaps to judge. I also don't think it strictly necessary to worry about how fast the material is displaced... it is teleported away, not shoved away. Well, in this construction anyway, not meaning to dampen discussion on the other way.

It takes a lot of points to get enough dice to hole punch statues out of common construction materials, but it seems like one way to answer the OP Warp question: If you teleport into something, you attack it and hope to do enough damage to carve out space for yourself. Any space not carved out is taken out of YOU instead. So if you buy no dice... don't teleport into things.
My GURPS stuff
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