Thread: GURPS IOU Help
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:00 PM   #14
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Default Re: GURPS IOU Help

Originally Posted by dravenloft
I agree with the suggestions about crazy school based movies. The videography in IOU is good. My personal fave from it is Real Genius, the suggestion of PCU is also prime.
We used the IOU campaign (years ago) as a break from the 'standard' campaign. We each built a character who was a gradthing at IOU, and if nobody was up for running a campaign, someone would just jump in and run an IOU adventure, everyone got a chance, as there were no great secrets from session to session.... This was a lot of fun, and in that case, most of us had experience with the kind of setting, since we were mostly gradthings ourselves... at the time.

Because of the very weird nature of the locale, you could always take *any* storyline and weird it out with IOU-ness.

I tended to draw heavily from the inspiration (illustrated by P. Foglio as well) of the Another Fine Myth Series of books. Instead of being a shop in the middle of a multidimensional bazaar, we were living in a house together, with weird neighbors, and strange doorways that nobody had ever noticed before*

The other inspiration is taking almost any episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and twisting it for the funny. Character goes on blind date with reasonably interesting seeming guy. Guy becomes werewolf. Ex-boyfriend decides to remedy the situation with Silver bullets. Hilarity ensues.

Each character had a faculty advisor who might send them down some weird set of tasks that had to be accomplished as part of applying for a grant, or hunting down some weird monster that got free on the school grounds (before their archrival on faculty finds out, of course).

Look through the IOU book. There are a lot of wacky ideas about things that you can do on campus. The steam tunnels are invariably attached, deep underground, to the kind of Alien pyramids that look a *lot* like the Traveller maps you have from the 1980's (or, well, I do, anyhow... ).

Have the character's parents show up to visit, but have them be blissfully unaware of the true strangeness of the joint. Keep them from finding out.

(*Which were routinely located behind posters, or large collegiate flags. We never did learn to take all of them down, and we just kept finding more doorways to strange places)

Good luck. And for The Founder's Sake, make sure your Health Insurance is up to date.

P. Mandrekar, Geneticist and Gamer
Rational Centrist
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts"- Daniel P. Moynihan
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