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Old 12-20-2020, 04:22 PM   #20
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Furry Hell Parallel

Originally Posted by Tom Mazanec View Post
This looks to me like Regeneration (slow) pB80. We know it's complete in a maximum of a couple weeks, but that is the first time her arm was "tested" may have healed faster.
EDIT: And what kind of Disadvantage are the Topsiders for the Anthros? Secret hardly seems appropriate when they are obvious targets.
Probably Regen (slow) and a modified version of Regrowth. Note Regen doesn't normally have an effect on any case of Crippling beyond Temporary (where you regain function once you're back at full HP), and a broken bone is always at least Lasting if not Permanent. To have a reduction in time from Lasting, you'd need some form of Regrowth. As we don't know when Holly's arm actually healed, it's hard to say if they simply have a reduction in time or if they have the full Regrowth effect of all Crippling being treated as Temporary, so long as the limb is still attached.

Topsiders are simply a threat for any character who isn't a topsider - just as you don't need a Disadvantage to represent the fact there are marauding orcs in a fantasy setting, you similarly don't need anything to represent the presence of topsiders here. If they are specifically after a certain character (or if said character simply has really bad luck and tends to run into them frequently), said character could take them as an Enemy.

It occurs to me this would be a good setting to make use of GURPS Horror's Stress and Derangement rules. Also, After the End's rules for scavenging and the like. And, of course, GURPS Furries, once that comes out (or if you happened to be part of the playtest).
GURPS Overhaul
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