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Old 10-18-2011, 12:20 PM   #45
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: New here and new to GURPS

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
Can you elaborate on what qualifies as a "starting point" for you? Do you prefer templates? A list of useful character concepts?
A list of concepts isn't a bad thing but at my level of expertise templates are literally worse than useless to me personally. If I know what the Template is supposed to do I can do it from scratch much faster and easier than the Template's formulaic "25pts from category A, 30pts from category B, 4 skills from C et al.".

Probably more useful though are a description of the _boundaries_ that the character should function in and the direction t6hat the game will progress in. Gurps as a whole is practically infinite in its' potential complexities. Reduce the number of the books I need to look through. Reduce the rules sub-sets I need to consider. Set goals "Your characters will need to have professional level Skills in area X and the ability to leave their homes for an extended period of time".

I can lay a personality on top of the bones of any sort of character but at least knowing what that skeleton should look like is a big help. Infinite possibilities can lead to infinite indecision.

As an example, one of my favorite all time characters was for a relatively recent D&D2e game. the system didn't really do much to help me but it didn't really get in my way of characterization either. However, I really did need to know "make a 1st level Fighter" to get started on a character sheet and let the game go forward.
Fred Brackin
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