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Old 05-11-2021, 08:10 AM   #10
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Default Re: Bestowing Personality-based Powers

Originally Posted by Inky View Post
Isn't this a little like Dominance (the advantage that werewolves have to turn other people into werewolves)? Dominance is MUCH cheaper than Matrix_walker's +10,000% - it's 20 points plus the price of buying each victim as an Ally.

Dominance includes being able to control the victims. I'm not sure whether you want your villain to be able to control the victims or not. Maybe instead of being controlled directly by the villain they get Disadvantages along with the superpower package that make them cause trouble on their own initiative.

This power, unlike regular Dominance, allows for different powers to be given each time, so it should cost more, but it sounds as if the villain can't control which power, so not much more.
I had considered the dominance route, but he has not indicated that he wanted the afflicted folks to be Allies, which is part of the scheme...

Kromm discusses it here:
Originally Posted by Kromm View Post
I'd argue that the way to do it would be to take Dominance (p. B50) at a flat 20 points and start buying Allies at the usual price. My reasoning for this is straightforward. The ability to give Allies powers is worth nothing to you per se. Two things are worth points, though:

1. Having Allies with powers. You pay for this when you buy Allies. If the Allies have enough powers, they cost more points as Allies. It's really quite irrelevant whether they had their powers originally or got them from you. What matters is their final point level after considering their powers.

2. Making new Allies whenever you have the points. You pay for this when you buy Dominance. The fact that you create willing Allies who lose their powers if they break a Pact, and not slave Allies per se, is a +0% special effect; the important thing is that they're in some way beholden to you. Likewise, the fact that your Allies' powers are something other than the ability to create new Allies for you is a +0% special effect; the important thing is that the Allies have some power that benefits you.

Only use Affliction when you can give anybody, Ally or not, powers. The game has rules for permanent Afflictions, and note that Extended Duration, Permanent costs +300% instead of +150% unless it has a built-in terminal condition . . . so certainly, if you can go about granting advantages to people who aren't Allies, it's easy enough to rig. "Doesn't obey a Pact" is an entirely valid terminal condition -- and it can screw you, since unless you have infallible subjects, they'll inevitably violate their Pact in some small way and suddenly end up powerless even when you would have forgiven them their indiscretion. More important, your enemies can tempt your empowered pals to stray, thereby disempowering your bodyguards and followers.

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
I'd use Wildcard power from Supers. Pay 4 times the cost for a power and you can use it for whatever the GM thinks is reasonable. Buy the most expensive power you want to be able to use, pay 4 times the cost and call it a day.
But 4 times what? do you mean to price the "added advantage" as "Appropriate template" and then charge 4x for the affliction, without a defined basic ability?
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