Thread: On-hand items
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Old 11-18-2019, 05:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: On-hand items

I look at rules like this and I always wonder... What are we trying to accomplish?

The real advantage would be allowing PCs to have items without detailing every single little thing they carry. The disadvantage is... extra system.

I feel like it would be better to have each player write down a brief description of the sorts of things that they normally have. Something like "First aid kit, a purse with assorted debris from everyday life, and always a snack of some sort." or "Assorted tools and gadgets, things to fidget with, and whatever office stuff happens to have been put in my pockets"

Then, a roll can be made for how appropriate a given item is to the description. This is about the same level of system but adds a little more character development into it.

Or maybe I'm missing the point entirely.
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