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Old 07-26-2017, 08:04 AM   #18
Not another shrubbery
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: [Supers] Warp affliction: exoteleport and naked

Naked is a limitation on vanilla Warp because it is removing part of the functionality of the advantage (the intrinsic ability to carry stuff). Obviously, this is not a limitation when Warp is used as an attack by making it an Affliction, since separating enemies from their equipment will almost never be a bad thing. If someone wanted Exoteleport to use solely as an attack, then Naked becomes effectively an Enhancement, as teleporting an enemy away and leaving all their stuff behind is worse for them than getting to keep their stuff with them. If they just wanted it to move their allies around, I'd say to buy it as a beneficial Affliction, which would be just as limited by Naked as regular Warp. If they want the flexibility implied by a standard Affliction build, it is probably safe to treat Naked as a feature level (+0%) modifier.
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