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Old 06-12-2021, 09:32 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2019
Default Going Berserk on your friends?

You get a self-control roll to snap out of a Berserk state when all your foes are down. A friend can make a Leadership roll to help you snap out of it. Does having a Sense of Duty to Companions help? How much?

What kind of bonus to a self-control roll to not attack a friend would a Berserker get for having a Sense of Duty to that person?

It's easy for me to imagine a dog that would easily go Berserk on someone who attacked his owner (i.e. a low self-control number) - and would be uncontrollable by that owner - but who would never attack the owner.

As an additional question: what kind of limitation on the disadvantage do you think it would it be to never harm someone unintentionally? One person? A group of people?

My guess is that, for one person, "Never harms [Person]" or "Never harmed by [Berserker]" could be a Perk, but that a guarantee about not harming a group of people (especially, like, a shifting group like an adventuring party) would be a pretty hefty limitation.
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