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Old 04-28-2022, 01:54 PM   #48
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Questions while reading rules more accurately...

Originally Posted by Lovewyrm View Post
Aka, dumb monkey thug, stop jumping around. Fight like a man, and not retreat, reengage, hit, retreat (and again, I mean RETREAT, not flavor 'we're both dancing a dance of death with the attack animation and movement and other stuff)
Again, if you insist on interpreting a Retreat and Step as moving back a full yard, then forward again a full yard, you're going to get silly results. In a fist fight, a Retreat may be backing up to just outside of your opponent's punching range (which may be only a foot, or less, from where you are standing). But GM's need a way to judge if you have enough space to maneuver in this manner effectively, and "you have a hex of clearance behind you" is an easy way to do that. A GM who is a glutton for complexity could decide to implement a houserule that required characters to state which part of a hex they currently occupy (one of the 6 sides, or the center, for example), give fractional Reaches to attacks (Reach 2/3 means you can hit someone on your side of their hex from the middle of your hex, or someone in the middle of their hex from their side of your hex, or someone on the opposite side of your hex from you) and require Retreating out of their attack's Reach to actually get the full bonus, for example, allowing characters to be in (or at least temporarily retreat to) hexes that are partially occupied.
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