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Old 07-26-2010, 01:10 PM   #47
Ze'Manel Cunha
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Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Default Re: REALLY Difficult Locks

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
I used to be able to pick a lock (it's been years since I stopped practicing), but anytime I actually needed one open I just used a sledgehammer or mallet.

Often you can spring a cheap padlock open with no harm to the door/latch/etc by just whacking the lock a couple times.
Originally Posted by Nymdok View Post
As to the Lockpick/Jimmy/Smash vs Forced Entry/Lockpicking, I think the rules are pretty clear about when to use which one. If your doing damage to the lock or housing, use either a melee skill, forced entry or other suitable skill. If your attempting to open the lock while leaving the structure and lock in tact and undamaged, thats lockpicking
Like Crakkerjakk said, it's not really a clear cut issue of force automatically causing damage. A slim jim might disconnect the lock in your car door if the lock is built that way, but otherwise it simply unlocks it.

A knife or credit card slipped into a latch will often simply allow the door to open, no lock picked, no damage done.

I have no lockpicking skills, but I've opened locks with picks, bypassed locks with knife blades, jimmyed them with bars and other tools, all without damage, vs the times I did damage to the locks when I cut off the shackles, or kicked doors in and watched the whole lock assembly fly across the room as the door slammed open, etc., (all in the line of duty of course.)

It's all situational, what matters is the availability of time, tools and fire support, but there is no such thing as unopenable, even if sometimes we'll go in through the walls because it's faster.
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