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Old 01-16-2016, 02:56 PM   #3
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Default Re: [Help needed] Post-apocalyptic world-war-two campaign

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
You seem to be implying that they lack farming skills. If so, you might want to change that. 30% of the German workforce was in agriculture in 1936 (yes, that's amazingly high, Germany was underdeveloped in some ways) so any sizable group of ex-soldiers will have some skilled farmers. Making their land poor quality should work, although it risks them deciding to conquer somewhere better.
I am definitely implying that. :) I want them to become somewhat dependant on the smaller, but more skilled (at farming), settlement of Malevil, thus ensuring a mainly positive relationship, and not an immediately threatening one. In addition, both settlements have a common enemy to the west.

The German units making up the military population of Rosenau consists mainly of Security Division personnel, drafted at a young age. Sure, some of these soldiers grew up on farms, but not enough of them know enough to support the entire population properly. In addition, the farming tools that they've acquired are subpar, they don't know exactly how to maintain them, there's no arable land immediately next to the settlement, etc etc. It's not that they don't farm, it's just that they're nowhere near as good at it as Malevil. Malevil is essentially self-sufficient, whereas Rosenau relies heavily on raiding, scavenging, and so on to supplement their limited farming, and has suffered many starvation-related deaths over the last 20 years.
This boils down to Rosenau being on the decline, and Malevil being on the rise, which is a political contrast that I find interesting.

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Rule the world, of course! With twenty years to work on the Silbervogel technology, and develop nuclear weapons, he should be all set to launch satellites that tell the world to surrender, or else he'll unleash his unstoppable bombers and destroy them all.
Tell who to surrender? The war is over, everybody lost, and as far as he knows, there is no centralised government anywhere (although southern africa, south america, parts of north america, and parts of asia have survived relatively unscathed, these areas are far away - and completely outside of the scope of the PCs ability to travel there (for now)).
While he could probably develop WMDs, what is there to gain when you have nothing to target?

Also, I'd like to keep his ambitions relevant for the local area of the campaign, and preferably in the fantasy/medieval style (so nuking nuked countries, or invading Peru isn't really what I'm looking for).

There can definitely be a "rule the world" vibe to him, but it'd be more of a "rule the wasteland" kinda goal. Maybe some sort of "forced" repopulation project, making sure only the best (Aryan) genes survive the apocalypse?
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