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Old 01-16-2016, 02:32 PM   #2
Night Watchman
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge, UK
Default Re: [Help needed] Post-apocalyptic world-war-two campaign

Originally Posted by Tema69 View Post
Rosenau consists of former Wehrmacht units and urbanised civilians - their ability to feed themselves is poor.
You seem to be implying that they lack farming skills. If so, you might want to change that. 30% of the German workforce was in agriculture in 1936 (yes, that's amazingly high, Germany was underdeveloped in some ways) so any sizable group of ex-soldiers will have some skilled farmers. Making their land poor quality should work, although it risks them deciding to conquer somewhere better.
So, what does a megalomaniac german warrior-aristocrat turned cyborg plan for twenty years atop a mountain base surrounded by post-apocalyptic wasteland, and what happens when he’s kicked out by annoying PCs looking for loot?
His plan is to rule the world, of course! With twenty years to work on the Silbervogel technology, and develop nuclear weapons, he should be all set to launch satellites that tell the world to surrender, or else he'll unleash his unstoppable bombers and destroy them all. The PCs can be lumbered with trying to explain to the rest of the world that he's a nutter and can't do anything now, because they've kicked him out of his base, and he thus can't launch any more attacks.
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