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Old 12-21-2022, 05:16 AM   #15
Axly Suregrip
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Durham, NC
Default Re: Immunity to Break Weapon

It looks like "Break Weapons Immunity spell" was accidentally omitted from ITL despite multiple references to it and should be added back in, even though there is no "Break Weapons" enchantment itself.

It looks like ITL is missing something. First, I will list references to breaking weapons. The first one has not yet been mentioned in this thread and is specifically about it. All quotes from ITL Legacy. The first quote clearly states that a magic sword is not protected from breaking by virtual of being enchanted.

ITL 167 "Destruction of Magic Items" section:
"Magic items may be destroyed in a number of ways.
Anything which breaks or shatters immediately loses its
magic powers; a broken magic sword is no longer enchanted,
even if it is remade. An object becomes no less fragile by
virtue of the spells on it.

ITL 167 also goes on to describe how lightning spell may destroy magic items and "immunity to lightning (q.v.)" would help. This is relevant only in that it is another example of immunity, but not immunity to Break Weapons spell.

ITL 167 from previous section on removing unwanted magic items:
"when the item is broken, the magic will leave it. A magic Rope could
be cut off, a weapon could be struck against the wall until it breaks, and so on."

ITL 156 "Enchanting Objects with Immunity Spells" section.
Explains how to create immunity to magic spells. It also specifically states, "If there is no magic item to produce an effect, no item can be made to give immunity." This is the part that seems to be in conflict with other quotes.

ITL 150 "Break Weapons" spell is not on the Magic Item Creation Table. This combined with ITL 156 seems to imply that there cannot be immunity to Break Weapons spell. But you will see following quote state to opposite.

ITL 24 "Break Weapon" spell:
"Does not work on enchanted swords, shields, etc., constructed with Immunity (q.v.) against this spell. Such a weapon also will not break on a roll of 18, though it may be broken deliberately if someone wants to do so."
This quote has two keep points regarding Break Weapon spell immunity. The q.v. tells the reader to look up the section on spell Immunity. This means it is specifically stating there can be a Break Weapon Immunity spell. This is in direct conflict with the quote from ITL 150. Not only does it state there can be a Break Weapons Immunity spell, but the second bold explains that such an immunity would also protect against a 18 roll.

ITL 42 "Master Armourer" talent:
"On a 4-die roll against IQ, they will recognize the Weapon/Armor Enchantment spells, immunity to Drop and Break Weapon, and the ability to “flame.”"
Here again we have a Break Weapons immunity enchantment. Again in conflict with ITL 150.

ITL 123 "Fine Weapons" section:
"A finely made weapon which does extra damage is also less likely to break, because of its superior metal. When a Break Weapon spell is used, or a “break” result rolled on the dice, roll one die."
This shows there is some mundane protection against the Break Weapons spell and a roll of 18.

Note weapons may be broken:
- Break Weapon spell
- a roll of 18 during use
- deliberate destruction, say by a smith or thrown in a volcano, etc
It is important to keep in mind which is being referred to when immunity or breaking is mentioned as it is not always all three.

The only conclusion that makes sense is that "Break Weapons Immunity spell" was accidentally omitted from ITL despite multiple references to it and should be added back in, even though there is no "Break Weapons" enchantment itself. This would have to be the exception to the page 150 rule.
Just like there is a "Destroy Illusion" magic item enchantment without there being a "Destroy Illusion" spell, there should be a "Break Weapons Immunity" magic item enchantment.

I would suggest the following addition to the table on ITL 150:
Magic Item (minor/lesser enchantment): Break Weapon Immunity
Price: $3000
Notes: none
Weeks: 3
ST/Day: 25
Cost/week: 515
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