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Old 02-22-2014, 07:03 AM   #429
Gold & Appel Inc
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: One Mile Up
Default Re: Average People: Characters [0] to [-50]

Originally Posted by Fwibos View Post
Not sure if this works. It's an ordinary person from my campaign.

Gyeltsen Amjal [ -41 points]
Totally fun; thanks for sharing.


Jell-o Jay, Amoral Guerilla Alcohol Salesman [-30 Points]:

Image: A bony young white man, generally dressed like a skater and toting a large Igloo cooler on wheels.

Culture: TL 8 [0]; Familiarity: Western [0]; Languages: English (Native / Native) [0];

Attributes: ST 9 [-10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10];

Secondary: Speed: 5.25 [0]; Move: 5 [0]; HP: 9 [0]; FP: 11 [0]; Perception: 11 [5]; Willpower: 11 [5];

Advantages: Fearlessness +1 [2];

Perks: Alcohol Tolerance [1]; Dabbler (20-Something Man-Child: +3 Defaults on Games: Video Console and Sports: Skateboarding) [1]; Forgettable Face [1];

Disadvantages: Compulsion (Spending) (15-) [-2]; Greed (12-) [-15]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Skinny [-5]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Status -1 [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10];

Quirks: Congenial [-1]; Dislikes Authority Figures [-1]; Habitual Marijuana User [-1]; Mildly Lazy [-1]; Proud [-1];

Skills: Area Knowledge (E) (Downtown Denver) IQ [1]-10; Brawling (E) DX [1]-10; Cooking (E) (Op Spec: Jell-o Shots) IQ+2 [2]-12; Current Affairs/TL8 (E) (Local) IQ [1]-10; Fast Talk (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Games (E) (Video Console) IQ-1d [0]-9; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-10; Sports (A) (Skateboarding) DX-2d [0]-8; Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-9; Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4]-11;

Notes: Part of our continuing series, "Wacky People from the Streets of Real Life Denver."

Background: Jell-o Jay sells Jell-o shots made with Everclear out of a cooler downtown at night. It's completely illegal, and he's been arrested several times, convicted twice. He's looking at jail time if he gets caught again, and he gets jumped by a bunch of frat boys or homeless people for his cooler occasionally, but the money's just too easy, especially after Last Call with Denver's strict blue laws rendering alcohol unavailable legally, when his prices immediately triple. He prides himself on his product and his professionalism, however, often claiming that his Jell-o shots are higher quality at a lower price point than the ones offered at the bars. He mostly works downtown at night, but can show up anywhere there's a lot of indiscriminately-thirsty people (including at the city skate park in the middle of the afternoon, peddling to underage kids), hawking his wares as discreetly-but-zealously as possible.

Last edited by Gold & Appel Inc; 02-22-2014 at 07:23 AM.
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