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Old 02-20-2014, 05:27 PM   #427
Gold & Appel Inc
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: One Mile Up
Default Re: Ordinary People: Characters [0] to [-50]

Originally Posted by Gwythaint View Post
I would boost some of his weapon skills to 12 or so to indicate having passed boot camp and having had regular practice, unless this is supposed to represent atrophy of skill usage, and could drift him towards the 25pts range. Check, as a base template, he would be very effective as a 75or character.
The just-passed-boot-camp version would definitely have at least Rifle in that range. The hasn't-shot-anything-except-from-a-blind-in-a-tree since-5+-years-and-a-nasty-blow-to-the-head-ago version, not-so-much. He's not even allowed to carry a gun at his job (though he's totally allowed to walk around with one in his daily life, and generally does, which is one of the reasons I see what I'll call game situation potential in him). He loves guns, but he spends way more time talking about them, reading about them, maintaining them, accessorizing them, and probably posing in the mirror with them like Travis Bickle than actually using them for a long while now.

Krav Maga, on the other hand, he's actually kind of serious about, which is why he can hold down a job as a bouncer even though he isn't very big and is terrible at defusing a situation verbally. I'm pretty sure his doctors and his dojo share a blissful mutual ignorance of one another.
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