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Old 11-21-2022, 08:13 AM   #163
Astromancer's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: West Virginia
Default Re: New Fantasy Setting Seeds.

The Five Cornered Square

Who dressed that little boy in pink?

Back in the day pink was the boys color. Little girls wore blue, like Alice and Dorothy.

That's weird.

Not at all. It came from soldiers giving their sons their old coats. Red fades to pink. Pink was a mark of young manhood.

The past is a foreign country.

The park was built in 1780 and the new bypass went through in 2054. What no one knew when they built the park was that it was built in a soft place. The nature of this soft place was set when the Masonic Lodge set up the sun dial at the center of the park.

Individuals walking around the sundial sunwise/clockwise can move forward one year per completed trip around the sundial. Those going counterclockwise can go back in time at the same rate. Only full years can be traveled and you always are in the park. (A public space).

Only those with Magery-0 or an equivalent or better advantage can do this. But they can take people with them. It only works in plain sight of the sundial.

As written this is set in London. But any city were a city park might last 274 years could work. The idea is to link as many interesting places and times together as you can.
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