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Old 11-17-2022, 02:09 PM   #16
GURPS Line Editor
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Montréal, Québec
Default Re: Points per each Game Session? What is average or normal?

I famously enjoy high-powered campaigns. Despite that, I find it easy to go overboard. My typical rate is a fairly modest 0.5 point/hour . . . so, if people show up at 18h and we game until 23h or midnight, maybe 2-3 points for that session.

I generally don't link that to pacing. I'm an ad-lib GM and so sometimes use delaying tactics while I cook up ideas in real time. My players have the right to expect character growth regardless of my GMing style. That said, if the players are on the ball and advance the plot much more than I'd anticipated – especially if their actions inspired me to ad lib more fluidly and rapidly – I give out an extra 1-2 points. They'd have earned that anyway if the story had dragged on for more sessions.

I award these points per session, giving out last session's points before we begin this session. I find the game more fun when the PCs can improve a little as the plot marches toward resolution. That lets me increase the threats a little to match, resulting in a higher-stakes climax without an undue risk of splashing the heroes all over the scenery.

Separate from the above, I give awards for concluding storylines. I'm reluctant to use the term "adventure," but there are often missions (which can span several developments that other GMs would term "adventures") and there are always story arcs. Once the heroes' actions set something to rest and clear the way for totally new plots with new motivations, locations, NPCs, etc. (like a new season of a TV show, I suppose), I might throw 5-10 points at each player on top of whatever they earned for the final session where that happened.

Finally, I avoid bonuses or penalties to specific players. I used to do that. It never actually encouraged less-engaged players to engage more. All it did was let certain players race ahead of others, leading to power-level imbalances that inconvenienced me and caused player-player friction. Instead, I take the self-policing approach: You're all in this together, so if you're not earning enough points and you think that's because so-and-so is holding up plot resolution, figure it out among yourselves. I'm not getting involved.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
My DreamWidth [Just GURPS News]
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