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Old 02-19-2019, 12:17 PM   #10
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Arizona
Default Re: is there a minimum damage? how...

To me, if the weapon doesn't do any damage to the figure even though it hit, that just means that it wasn't a strong enough or direct enough hit to do anything important to the character -- it glanced off, or the victim flinched (and changed a potentially dangerous hit into a mere nick by sheer chance), or it penetrated clothing but maybe only put a thin cut on the person's arm, or whatever. Them's the breaks, and insisting that every hit cause harm is one sure way to kill lots and lots of characters in TFT.

So from both a reality standpoint (sometimes a person gets lucky) to a gaming standpoint (I don't like killing characters unnecessarily -- if you earn it, great, but just engaging in combat under the "minimum damage is always 1 rule" guarantees short careers and even shorter dungeon delves) in my games minimum damage is none, period.
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