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Old 07-01-2021, 06:15 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [Delvers to Grow] Shigran of the Flaming Spear

Originally Posted by DouglasCole View Post

This isn’t the first 250-ish character I’ve seen with Delvers to Grow …but it’s definitely the most detailed!
Originally Posted by Tymathee View Post
Cool! I really like colorful characters that paint a picture in your imagination.

I like your focus on his characterization in combat. I've played in a lot of lower case dungeon fantasy (not necessarily GURPS, you get the idea) where the player group (besides me) ignores the personality traits of their character as soon as combat happens and go into a mindset of "highly disciplined fantasy special-ops fighter mode". I'll be the one character, while doing their best to contribute on the meta-level, actually staying in character for combat. I know there's a delicate balance between staying in-character and making sure you're not letting down the people you're sitting down at the table with, but that "fantasy special-ops" mindset seemed to be a lot of what I had to deal with in that other game. Not that that isn't something that could happen in GURPS, but GURPS's high emphasis on fine grain characterization seems to favor consistent in-character roleplaying and that's great!

So I really like your character, he's cool. :)
Thank you! One thing I'm not thrilled about is the Trademark Move. Targeting the Spine is nasty, yes, but for a Weapon Master it's inefficient and less bloodthirsty when compared to, say, a three-attack Rapid Strike to the Vitals. Against an unarmored foe, an All Out (Strong) attack to the Spine would average 17 HP of Injury, which will auto-cripple any foe with HP 16 or lower. However, each stab to the Vitals would average 34.5 HP of Injury, and considering all three are likely to hit, that means any foe who would be crippled by the spine stab will likely die outright to the triple-stab (3 hits would average 103.5 HP of Injury, which will take anyone with HP 17 or lower beyond the -5xHP threshold). Honestly, I was just trying to think of something to increase the penalty, and failed to consider Rapid Strike. Of course, that would be at effective skill 15, but I think I'd be fine with that.
(EDIT: I have now modified the character to have the 3x Vitals thrust. In addition to being a more-worthwhile attack, it honestly fits the character a lot better than striking the Spine did.)

As GM, I'd be comfortable just letting the character have a functionally-infinite supply of bandages (clean and bloody) without bothering to track weight for a Perk, provided the player agreed not to do anything ridiculous (no, you cannot tie the bandages together into a long rope to rappel down that ridge, and using a similar rope made of bloody bandages as a makeshift powder train is right out), but decided to err more on the side of caution (although certainly not all GM's would allow for Consumable Signature Gear). This would free up a lot of weight, putting him only a little over a pound beyond Light Encumbrance (which pretty much means unless they're attacked very shortly after refilling their waterskins he'll typically be at No Encumbrance - EDIT: scratch that, I was looking at empty-waterskin weight; he'd still need to offload most of his food onto another delver to stay unencumbered). As an aside, I envision his blood as being roughly comparable to the standard fuel used for oil flasks and lanterns and the like - indeed, the party could opt to bleed him (ideally following this up with a healing spell/potion) if they were desperate for fuel. The smell might be a bit odd, however, and would probably risk attracting monsters, similarly to tallow candles.

Overall time for the build was a couple hours, which was honestly pretty quick (I'm not terribly experienced with character creation). Of course, most of that was tweaking and the like to hit the [250] mark - I think it was only maybe 20 minutes of work to go from basic concept to having the initial [206] character with three choices of upgrade modules to use in the process of boosting to [250] (the odd man out was Acrobat; I decided I liked the +1 to DX of Faster Delver over the boosting his ability to do parkour, in no small part because that got me really close to Speed 7). And that's with Chrome not liking the DtG document (for some reason, it seems to hang, particularly when doing searches or changing pages, while it handles pretty much any other pdf just fine).
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 07-01-2021 at 09:24 AM.
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