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Old 11-28-2014, 07:43 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Sentient plague controlling a hoard of rats

Duplication includes the ability to merge Dupes back together. The limit on the number of splits will be the number of Dupes paid for, which would be independent of the number of individual rats.

The Shared Resources limitation could be logical here.

You'd probably want to require some in-game accumulation of additional rats along with the CP expenditure to add a Dupe. I'd probably just handwave something simple, like giving the rats a Toxic Innate Attack to represent the plague and just asserting that any rat that dies of the IA joins the swarm -- which has zero effect on game stats until you also spend the CP to increase the stats. You can just track the number of rats if you want to require that in-game accumulation. (Compare with the $ versus CP issues in Cyberpunk or Supers; here, the "dollar" for the "equipment" is the number of rats, and I'm suggesting either the buy-with-CP-only or buy-with-both strategies.)

If you want to use Dominance instead, you'll need to define your rat template. (The DF one is a giant monster rat.) Work out with your GM exactly what the stats for a normal rat would be, so you have a price. I don't think I'd go this way, though, even though the Dominance mechanism is similar to what you want.
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