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Old 01-19-2013, 05:41 PM   #9
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Darwin


Technology Level: 8
Mana Level: Usually Low
Native Power Sources: Mutant, Technological

The egregiously misnamed "Darwin" is a world which has experienced a "bizarre baby boom" with a large number of children born with features like tails, scales, four functional arms, and strange coloured skin. Further, when going through adolescence some of these children and an alarming number of superficially normal children spontaneously develop paranormal abilities like shooting energy blasts, turning insubstantial, or transforming into metallic giants while a larger number manifest rather less impressive abilities like shooting beams of light about as powerful as a flashlight, levitating slower than they can walk, and the ability to intuitively guess the meaning of foreign languages.

Darwin's society has not taken this very well, in part thanks to foolish mutants who have declared themselves to be mankind's evolutionary superiors and successors. Government have responded by trying to recruit, enslave or hunt down and kill mutants, and even when they try to respect mutant rights, mobs and organized hate groups will sometimes try to kill mutants.

While generally modern in their technology, Darwin is advanced in certain areas as a result of programs base on study or exploitation of mutant abilities, but most of these advancements are directed specifically toward neutralizing mutant powers and mutants. Thus they have robots, cyborgs, and power armour like Ferrous, but unlike Ferrous there has been no trickle down to civilian applications and and their technological weapons are generally rather cruder than the sophisticated Ferrous examples, and their AIs are quite a bit less intelligent. At the same time, they are becoming rather more advanced in the field of genetics.
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