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Old 08-15-2011, 06:18 PM   #16
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Default Re: The importance of an over all goal/climax to a campaign?...

I too like stories/campaigns to have a begining middle and an end, but these need not be mutually exclusive to ongoing campaigns. I like to bring my worlds to a close so that there is no doubt in anyones mind that the story is over. Gives it closure. However, it means that often times you have to put away worlds that have not yet exhausted their full potential.

Take (as all geeks must) Doctor Who for example. If you consider each of those series to be a campaign in and of itself then there is (evidently) no real limit on the number of campaigns you can run, each composed of several adventures.

So depending on how you view the heirarchy oof the story you could simply view it as
World - > Campaign -> Adventure - > Encounter

Now is it neccesarry for their ot be one villan responsible for 90% of the evil in the WORLD? I dont really think so. In the world currently, sure, that makes the campaign (Consider the Cybermen, Daleks, et al).

Another sacred geek example might be the Star Trek series. Plenty of ongoing villans get vanquished or mollified/befriended (Looking at YOU klingons).

Different times and settings in the Star Trek WORLD (Or universe if its a more comfortable term for you in this context) with great villans (Klingons, Borg, Cardassians/Jem Haddar/Vorta, Species 8472) that go around generating 90% of the problems in their specific setting, but soo many others you can choose from and insert as 'one shots'.

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